Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 164 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 164 Everything is Calculated (17)

The person in his arms suddenly fainted, Zhuge Liang didn't react for a moment, he was shocked!
He patted Yan Huan's face on the co-pilot, his eyes filled with worry, "Lin Yao?"

no response.

Zhuge Liang raised his heart nervously, his expression at this moment was not much better than Yan Huan's!
There is no interest.


He held his breath, stretched out his hand with difficulty to sniff Tan Yanhuan's breath.

Fortunately, fortunately, I just fainted.

Zhuge Liang heaved a sigh of relief, stepped on the accelerator, ignored the traffic lights all the way, and drove to the nearest hospital.

The supercar braked suddenly and stopped at the gate of the city hospital, making a piercing sound, which was shocking to hear in this quiet night.

Zhuge Liang hurriedly got out of the car, gently picked up the soft Yan Huan, with stern eyebrows and cold eyes, he walked into the emergency room with his legs raised.

"Doctor! She has a fever!"

The doctor on duty in the emergency room glanced at the unconscious little girl in his arms, her face was pale and her condition was indeed very poor.

Passed out with a fever?

How bad is this burning?
The doctor also became nervous, and hurriedly took Yan Huan's temperature, drew blood for a blood test, and took it for a laboratory test.

Zhuge Liang stood outside the door, pinching the center of his brows wearily, worried and fidgeting, watching the doctors and nurses rushing in and out, he lowered his head and realized that in a hurry, he came out wearing slippers.

And the button of the coat was wrongly buttoned, not at all as meticulous as usual.

He has never been in such a hurry before.

Is it because you are too nervous and worried about Lin Yao?
It's right to worry about her. After all, she lives in her own home and is the child of Designer Lin.

Zhuge Liang was in a daze, making excuses for his abnormality, when the little nurse inside yelled in surprise!
"She has no heartbeat!"

No heartbeat? !

Zhuge Liang frowned in disbelief, and pushed the door straight into the emergency room involuntarily. Yan Huan's shirt was unbuttoned, and the little nurse was at a loss with a stethoscope.

Zhuge Liang's face was dark, his pupils shrank nervously, his heart was beating wildly, and for the first time his mind, which was always sober, was in a mess of thoughts.

He stretched out his hand, his fingertips trembled almost invisible, and pressed against Yan Huan's heart through his clothes, trying to calm down and feel her heartbeat.


The heart of the person he touched with his fingertips seemed to have fallen into dead silence.

There is no feeling of heart beating at all.

How can it be? !
She is still alive and kicking at night!
He patted his small chest and promised not to take advantage of him.

During the meal, he frowned in disgust, and picked out all the shredded ginger in the dish.

Before going to bed at night, he ran around the room with his slippers on, and he could hear it clearly in the study.

Why now, lying quietly on the hospital bed, like a lifeless doll?
Zhuge Liang couldn't accept it.

The weird feeling surging in his heart rushed straight to his head, and his eye sockets were dry and painful, as if he needed some liquid to relieve it.

The little nurse looked at the handsome man standing next to him, her eyes were reddish, her face was too shocked and a little numb, she clenched her hands tightly by her side, unconsciously clenched into fists, and her veins bulged.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is in pain.

The little nurse comforted her.

"Don't be sad, we will rescue her right away, maybe we can save her!"

Can it be rescued?
He has seen too much life and death.

Without a heartbeat, almost no patients who entered the emergency room were rescued.

Lin Yao, will it be an exception?
 Thank you Huayan Phantom for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Good night~ Everyone go to bed early~
(End of this chapter)

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