Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 175 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 175 Everything is Calculated (28)

the next day.

Adjutant Song went to work at the base, and Yan Huan followed.

There is indeed something wrong with her body, Yan Huan can feel it.

The heart throbs from time to time, and the body sometimes feels hot for no reason.

The Zhina people killed Designer Lin, and Lin Yao's body may have been tampered with.

It's good to go check your body.

Adjutant Song sent her to the gate of the medical department before turning back to the office building.

There was a faint smell of disinfectant in the medical department. Yan Huan walked to the front desk, but was told that the medical department of the base needed a letter of consent from the commander for a physical examination.

Adjutant Song didn't give her this thing.

Yan Huan pouted in puzzlement, and reluctantly followed the path pointed by the nurse to find Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang likes to be quiet and doesn't like to be in contact with others. He only has his office on the top floor.

Yan cheered, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

As always, the sound of cold slag falling.

Yan Huan silently rolled his eyes at the air, opened the door and walked in.

With a blank face, he said politely and distantly, "Master Zhuge, the medical department needs your consent."

Talking to him now is so polite.

Zhuge Liang raised his eyes and glanced at her, his light blue eyes were like pools of icy sea water, Yan Huan felt his scalp go numb.

Yan Huan silently took two steps back and stood there motionless.

Zhuge Liang chuckled, his eyes still cold, "I never need my consent to go to the medical department to see a doctor."

Yan Huan was taken aback for a moment, his eyes were a little dazed.

The arc of Zhuge Liang's lips widened a bit, and he was very satisfied that she was still as cute as ever.

"I called the front desk of the medical department and asked you to come here."

Yan Huan realized that he had been tricked, stared angrily, gritted his teeth at his handsome face, turned his head and left angrily.

"so boring!"

Zhuge Liang took a few steps behind her, grabbed her wrist, and said with displeasure, "Who told you to keep avoiding me?"

Yan Huan was speechless, "Brother? Why am I avoiding you?"

Zhuge Liang looked at her condescendingly, his sharp eyes were full of oppression, and there was a bit of a suffocated accusation.

"Don't come to hug the cat, don't come to get clothes, don't come..."

He swallowed the rest of the words.

He can't say, and he can never come to see me, right?
His pride does not allow him to lower his posture like this.

Yan Huan wanted to pull back his wrist, but this man was very strong and held her tightly.

Her back was close to the door, and the man in front was like Du Shan, the shadow of oppression enveloped her, and she had nowhere to escape.

Yan Huan swallowed hard, rolled his eyes, and smashed the jar, "I'm very busy, how can I go to your house to get things?"

Zhuge Liang raised his lips and sneered, a little wary, "Busy? Then you still have time to go on a blind date?"

Yan Huan stiffened his neck, full of confidence, "What does my blind date have to do with you?"

Zhuge Liang was emotionally entangled and tumbling, bitter, uncomfortable, jealous, angry, his eyes were a little red, and he almost growled out.

"But you clearly said that you like me!"

Master Zhuge like this is a bit scary...

Yan Huan was timid, his voice was a little weaker, and he blinked innocently, "Women are fickle..."

Zhuge Liang took two steps forward, grabbed Yan Huan's wrist, and pressed her arm against the door behind him. He lowered his head and locked Yan Huan's eyes with his eyes flushed with anger.

Yan Huan's fragile heart trembled.

He whispered, with a domineering that cannot be ignored, "I kissed you, and I am responsible for you."

 Thank you Huayan Phantom for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Milkberry for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Qianli & Feiyue. Chuxin rewarded 100 book coins~

  Thank you Youyou for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Be cute and kiss you~

  Yan Huan: The confession came too suddenly, like a tornado...

  Tsundere Liang: And something more sudden...

(End of this chapter)

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