Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 177 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 177 Everything is Calculated (30)

Zhuge Liang raised his lips and smiled, his eyes were cold and indifferent, and he was not unhappy because of Yan Huan's words.

Other suitors?

The arrogant Master Zhuge said that these people couldn't get into his eyes at all.

"I have no intention of pursuing you."

Yan Huan:? ? ?

He held Yan Huan's hand and walked slowly step by step, his tone sounded casual but serious.

"I'm telling you about becoming my girlfriend."

what? !
notify? !
Oh Yo Yo, then you are awesome!

Yan Huan twisted her nose in anger, and really wanted to slap him on the back of the head!

"Who is your girlfriend? Shameless, I haven't agreed yet!"

Yan Huan twisted back and forth with a blushing face, but couldn't shake off his hand.

Zhuge Liang grabbed her hand and said, "I agree."

The more domineering he is, the angrier Yan Huan will be!
"Let go! I'll go to the medical department by myself!"

"Don't make trouble."

"Let go! Let go!"

The two quarreled all the way, and went to the medical department in a tussle. The nurse at the front desk looked at their holding hands, and a small flame of gossip immediately ignited in their eyes!

The ten thousand year iceberg has melted?
Misogyny cured?

This is really big breaking news!
The nurse ignored Zhuge Liang's still stern face, and greeted him with a smile, "Is your lord coming to see a doctor? Is your lord sick? What's wrong?"

Yan Huan:. . .

this passionate...

She coughed twice, raised her eyebrows displeased, "I am the one who is sick."

Zhuge nodded, and pushed Yan Huan forward, "Follow the procedure of the physical examination, let her go through it."

The medical department of the base has the best medical team in China at present. The medical examination process went all the way, and no problem was found.

The next step is to do a chest X-ray.

Yan Huan yawned wearily and stood on the detector.


The scan is complete.

But the doctor didn't let her come down, instead his eyes widened in surprise!


The second scan is complete.

Yan Huan looked at the middle-aged doctor in bewilderment. The doctor's lips trembled, he rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and looked carefully again.

"Doctor, is there a problem?"

The doctor looked at Yan Huan sympathetically, "Is there something wrong with your chest recently?"

Yan Huan nodded, "From time to time, there will be a dull pain in the heart, and occasionally the pain will be very severe..."

She thought for a while, and added seriously, "And sometimes I feel hot, but it will be fine after a while."

The doctor's face flashed in embarrassment, his brows were furrowed together, he opened the door and went out to find Zhuge Liang.

He turned his head and told Yan Huan, "You wait here for a while."

Yan Huan instinctively felt that there might really be something wrong with her chest.

Still, a tricky question.

The middle-aged doctor called Zhuge Liang to the office, transferred Yan Huan's chest X-ray, and sighed deeply.

"Look, my lord..."

At the left atrium, there is a small dark shadow, and around the shadow, there is a small ring of light.

Zhuge Liang suffocated his breath!
Something grew in Lin Yao's heart? !
But... how can it shine?

Before the Zhina people invaded the design institute, the entire institute was killed, only Lin Yao survived.

It turned out that Lin Yao was able to survive because the Zhina people implanted something in her heart!

Zhuge Liang's expression became tense, and there was a cold light of anger in his eyes, "Can you detect, what is that?"

The doctor shook his head sadly.

"I don't know exactly what it is. It should be... a crystal-like hard object."

 Thank you Yan Taoyao for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Sprinkle flowers to compare hearts!

(End of this chapter)

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