Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 181 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 181 Everything is Calculated (34)

The cold wind was blowing, and the halo of neon lights in the distance hit Zhuge Liang's body. Half of his body was dyed in a blurred color, and half of his body was hidden in the darkness, handsome and lazy.

He looked gentle, but his eyes were melancholy.

"Is there you outside the balcony?"

Yan Huan said something with a smile.

"There is no me, but there is a country I have built for you!"

Zhuge Liang curled his lips into a smile, full of doting.

"I don't want Jiangshan, I just want you."

His voice was wrapped in a bit of wind, ethereal and unreal.

Zhuge Liang is so strange tonight!

Don't hate her, don't bully her, suddenly so gentle, with so many love words, really... a bit caught off guard.

Yan Huan blushed, licked her lips and didn't know what to say.

Zhuge Liang's cold voice came, with warmth of concern, "If you have a nightmare at night, call me."

Like every boy who pursues a girl, he gently exhorted him before going to bed, said good night, and waited for her to hang up first before hanging up himself.

Yan Huan felt Zhuge Liang at this moment.A little bit better than real.

Zhuge Liang should be pursuing her formally and seriously.

Yan Huan closed her eyes contentedly. She had no dreams that night and slept very sweetly.


The next day is the weekend.

Adhering to the principle that one should sleep until waking up naturally on weekends, Yan Huan slept until almost noon.

Five missed calls were displayed on the phone, all of which were from Zhuge Liang.

And a short text, "I'll be waiting for you for lunch."

Yan Huan felt embarrassed.

Addicted to sleeping late and not dating Zhuge Liang...

No one else could have done it except her.

She got up from the bed in a hurry, finished washing in a good mood, and seriously took out the small mirror to put on makeup.

Adjutant Song at the side was very relieved.

Yaoyao is going on a blind date today. Seeing that she is in such a good mood and is seriously putting on makeup, it seems that she really wants to find a boyfriend.

She will not be disappointed with the boy I introduced to her this time!

Adjutant Song watched her go out with a smile, "I've sent the location and time to your phone, just meet up for a meal, don't be nervous."

Yan Huan, who had already walked out, took a long time to react.

She had promised Adjutant Song that she was going on a blind date today! Σ(°Д°;
She had long forgotten about it, and of course she couldn't remember to refuse again!


We agreed to have lunch with Zhuge Liang, but what should we do now that we have this extra thing?
Go to the blind date first and talk to the boy, otherwise she will release the pigeons later, this man will call for his life, and it will be over if Zhuge Liang finds out...

Thinking of Zhuge Liang's dark face, Yan Huan shuddered.

There was wind on the soles of her feet, and she rushed to the blind date place first like flying.

A coffee shop in a downtown area.

The boy that Adjutant Song introduced was Xu Xin, the son of the president of the National Academy of Science and Technology.

It is said that he is a gentle and elegant boy with good looks and connotation.

Sitting by the window was a young boy with rimless eyes, holding a cup of coffee and slowly sipping it. He really looked like a refined and restrained boy.

Yan Huan rushed over all the way, out of breath, and asked directly, "Are you Xu Xin?"

The boy glanced at her, amazement flashed in his eyes, and he nodded gently, "You are Miss Lin, right?"

Yan Huan nodded, grabbed the disposable cup on the table, and just took a sip of water when he heard the sound of people around him gasping!
The people around looked at the door of the coffee shop with expressions of surprise, and Yan Huan also followed everyone's gaze in a daze, turning around to look...

 Thank you CRUSADER for rewarding 99 book coins~

  than heart~

(End of this chapter)

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