Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 196 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 196 Everything is Calculated (51)

The presidential palace of Country Z.

The low air pressure enveloped the entire presidential office, and the oppressive feeling made people dare not speak out even if they took a breath.

Zhuge Liang was sitting on the chair opposite the president, watching a video intently, his light blue eyes seemed lazy, and the temperature inside was freezing, like the thick snow of winter.

That video was exactly the video call Yan Huan had with the president before he left.

From time to time, he tapped the glass table top twice with his fingertips, and the faint crisp sound made the heart of the president opposite him even more anxious.

Rong An was very depressed.

How did he know that Lin Yao disappeared after the video call?
It's none of his business!

How did he know where Lin Yao had gone? !
But whether Zhuge Liang believes him or not, he doesn't know...

Rong An was worried and depressed at the same time.

As a president, he would feel uncomfortable facing Zhuge Liang who was ten years younger than him!
Time passed minute by minute, tortured like Ling Chi, Zhuge Liang finally finished watching the whole video.

His face became even colder.

No wonder he received a note from Lin Yao out of nowhere, saying that he had something to do, so don't worry.

It turned out that he was forced to die!

The communication signals at home were all cut off by him, and the protection system was turned on, so no one would harass Lin Yao at all.

Kerong'an actually used a technician from the Ministry of National Defense to forcibly dial in the video!

Let Lin Yao sacrifice, let Lin Yao sacrifice, let Lin Yao avenge her father!
The little girl he treasured in his heart, no matter if he was selfish or cowardly, he was willing to pamper and pamper her, let alone criticize her, even if she took a second look!

The air pressure plummeted to freezing point.

Zhuge Liang pursed his lips and smiled casually, but his eyes were sharp. As soon as he looked at each other, he felt his heart tremble, as if he had been stabbed.

"Lin Yao is my fiancée, and now that she's missing, I'm in no mood to deal with other things."

Rong An frowned, a little resentful, "Are you threatening me?"

Zhuge Liang sneered, "The President called the Ministry of Defense privately just to make a video call with my fiancée, so why can't he call again privately to find my fiancée?"

Rong An took a few breaths, "How do I know where she will go? The whole earth is so big, where do you want me to find someone?"

Zhuge Liang stood up impatiently, with his hands propped on the table, his veins bulged out of anger, his eyes locked on Rong An, wishing he could burn two holes in his body!

"Didn't she come out to find you? As you wish, sacrifice yourself and let you take out the energy core in her heart? Would you not know?!"

Rong An was furious at being wronged, he clenched his fist and slammed the glass table, "She only said that she would consider it, she never said that she would come out to find me!"

Because of Zhuge Liang's rage, his light blue eyes were stained with cautious scarlet, his sanity was on the verge of being broken, and he was almost crazy.

"I said before that I will never sacrifice Lin Yao. If you insist on letting her die, I don't mind the end of the world. Come sooner!"

Rong An's face turned pale, and his tone trembled, "You are the commander of Starship Troops! The lives of people all over the world are in your hands! How can you..."

His words were interrupted by Zhuge Liang coldly.

The face of the man across from him was always cold, but at this moment, his violence was strange and frightening.

"If Lin Yao dies, let everyone be buried with her."

 Thank you Xuansu soda for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to the cute cat for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Dear little cuties~

  I really like Master Zhuge like this!Wall thump wall thump bed thump 100 times is not enough!

(End of this chapter)

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