Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 208 I guessed the first part right, but I couldn't guess the ending 【Zhizunbao and Zixi

Chapter 208 I guessed the first part right, but I couldn't guess the ending 【Zhizunbao and Zixia】

The sky is full of yellow sand, wrapped in the air, dry and sandy. Autumn is here in the northwest. The wind is strong and the dust is heavy. A few catties of dust were released.

A short man coughed while clutching his face towel, only showing a pair of narrow eyes to look at the road, cursing and climbing up a high slope.

Stepping on the high slope of dirt and sand, half of the calf sank into it. Facing the wind and sand, the short man walked up with difficulty.

There are several kiln houses connected together on the high slope, and the short man ran in quickly, tore off the veil that was in the way, and gasped for fresh air with his legs propped up, looking embarrassed.

Lying on a tiger-skin bench was a woman in purple, with long eyelashes, a pretty nose, a small face the size of a palm, and cherry red lips. In the climate of the northwest, it was not easy to maintain such a beautiful appearance. .

At this moment, she was propping her head up, dozing off with her eyes closed, but her brows were knit together unsteadily.

It was Yan Huan.

"The master?"

Yan Huan suddenly opened his eyes, his moist almond pupils were clear, it seemed that she hadn't fallen asleep just now.

She opened her mouth hastily, frowning, showing worry, "How is it? Did you find the second master?"

The short man curled his lips and shook his head helplessly.

Yan Huan's face darkened a bit, and he waved his hand, signaling him to back down.

The sun is about to set, why hasn't Monkey King come back yet? !

That's right, the second master in this village is Monkey King.

It's just that this Monkey King is not the supreme treasure she wants to capture.

The owner of Yan Huan's body is the head of this Batian Village, named Zixia.

Zixia's father picked up a vagrant from the bottom of the stockade more than ten years ago. He was pitiful at the time, and Zixia was the only child in the stockade. He was very lonely, so he brought him back.

This little waif didn't have a name, and at that time, the book about Sun Wukong's pilgrimage to the heavens was very popular, and Xiao Zixia rolled her almond eyes when she looked at this skinny and skinny boy.

"You are as thin as a monkey, so let's call him Monkey King."

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

After Zixia's father passed away, Batianzhai was given to Zixia and Monkey King.

Although what they do is to rob houses and houses, they have always been the rich and officials who only rob, and help the poor from time to time.

Yan Huan rested his chin in thought.

Here, Monkey King is one person, but Supreme Treasure is another person.

It's just that she has been here for seven or eight days, and she has never met a person named Supreme Treasure.

Alas, the system is down, and without the help of the system, it is a bit difficult.

She looked at the increasingly whistling wind and sand outside the window, and the darkening sky, and her worry was even more serious.

I just went to the town to collect protection fees from a few rich families. This Monkey King, is he still not coming back?
Usually in a daze, don't you have an accident?

Yan Huan's heart was hanging in his throat, his heart was anxious, he didn't know how long he waited, the sky outside was completely dark, and the little man finally shouted.

"I'm back! The Second Master is back!"

Yan Huan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The person who came in tore off his turban, and his hair was blown in a mess by the wind, which did not affect his handsome appearance at all.

"How is it? Have you received the money?"

Sun Wukong's expression changed, Jun's face was a little embarrassed, and he scratched his head.

"Accept... Yes, I received it... It's just that I met a poor man on the way back, so I gave all the money to him."

Yan Huan was unable to support his forehead.

If she didn't know that Sun Wukong is honest and cute, she would really doubt whether he secretly gave the money to some coquettish slut!

 Thank you for being the final boss for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thanks Gujing Qingyue for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you Sunの月 for rewarding 100 book coins~

  boo boo boo boo~

  This is the lower part of Monkey King and Daji, Zhizunbao and Zixia

(End of this chapter)

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