Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 218 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending

Chapter 218 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending (11)

She asked him to wait casually, but he really waited for so long.

Sun Wukong is such a person.

From childhood to him, she bullied him, lied to him, teased him, as long as she said, he never doubted, just believed and obeyed.

Yan Huan's heart seemed to be pulled, and the guilt that filled the air was so sour that it made her feel very uncomfortable.

"I... sorry, I shouldn't have kept you waiting so long."

She bit her lip, feeling ashamed, sat opposite Sun Wukong, and took a piece of cold fish fillet for him with chopsticks.

Monkey King didn't refuse, and said lightly, "Did you just go to find Supreme Treasure?"

Yan Huan opened his mouth, but he didn't have the nerve to say it.

She was in love with Supreme Baolang, and completely forgot that Monkey King was still waiting for her for lunch.

Yan Huan didn't speak, but Sun Wukong understood.

Besides that Supreme Treasure, who else could make Zixia so interested?

He laughed at himself in his heart, his face was lonely, and he looked out of place and lonely in this dazzling and warm sunshine.

Yan Huan also lost his appetite for food.

She fiddled with the dishes in front of her a few times, and asked tentatively, "What's the matter with you recently? It feels weird, especially... After Supreme Treasure came, you will be even more weird."

Sun Wukong was concentrating on serving food, eating, and smiled soothingly, but he didn't look up at her.


Yan Huan put down his chopsticks, frowned, unhappy.

"You are just angry! From childhood to adulthood, as long as you are angry, you will be bored by yourself, and you don't care about others, and you don't like to talk."

Sun Wukong paused with his hands scooping up the soup, and some of the soup spilled out.

After getting along for so many years, they know each other too well.

Wanting to hide her emotions in front of Zixia, she couldn't hide it at all.

"You hate Supreme Treasure?"

Sun Wukong didn't refute, but hummed lightly.

"Why do you hate him?"

Sun Wukong was silent.

He doesn't know why he hates Supreme Treasure, but seeing him and Zixia so close makes him feel extremely uncomfortable!
Yan Huan looked at him without saying a word, and his heart turned a thousand times, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes were a little unbelievable, his eyebrows were raised, and his tone was weird.

"Hey... don't you like me, and then get jealous?"

Sun Wukong caught off guard and choked a mouthful of soup in his throat, and immediately coughed violently!
"Cough! Cough cough!!"

Yan Huan was so frightened that he hurriedly jumped over to give him the back, "I just guessed it casually! You are so stubborn, you want to choke yourself to death to show your ambition!"

"Cough cough!"

Sun Wukong's eyes were red from coughing, and his face was even more abnormally red, like red paint spilled on his face!
After working for a long time, he finally calmed down, and Yan Huan also heaved a sigh of relief, and kicked him angrily, lifting his little chin, as proud as ever.

"Hey! Do you like me!"

Sun Wukong's face was flushed, and he couldn't tell why he was blushing at this time.

He was silent, eyes lowered, not knowing what was thinking in those dark eyes, but he quickly denied, "No."

Yan Huan pouted, "Oh...then why do you dislike Supreme Treasure so much?"

Sun Wukong raised his eyes to look at her, his serious face was extraordinarily handsome.

"His identity is unknown and he is too attentive to you. I am a little worried."

Yan Huan raised his eyebrows, still suspicious, and said heartlessly narcissistically.

"It's not because you like me?"

Sun Wukong's heart skipped a beat, but his expression remained unchanged.

"That's right, the village master asked me to protect you well before he died. I doubt Supreme Treasure, and I should."

 Zhizunbao: I am Zhizunbao.

  Sun Wukong: I am the supreme treasure.

  Yan Huan: Uh... True or False Supreme Treasure?Sorry, I went to the wrong set...

(End of this chapter)

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