Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 229 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending

Chapter 229 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending (22)

Was it a lover in the last life?
How about coaxing children with such an old-fashioned way of teasing girls?
Besides, would a person whom I just met treat you well and affectionately for no reason?

This is not a dog blood idol drama, the old routine of acting love at first sight.

Yan Huan was full of suspicion, but he closed his eyes and said nothing.

If Supreme Treasure didn't want to talk, it would be useless for her to ask any more now.

Yan Huan stretched his arms and tried to stand up, but his left ankle gave way, and he fell down again unexpectedly!


It turned out that I sprained my foot when I rolled down, but it was numb from the pain, and I didn't feel it for a while.

Zhizunbao hurried over to support her, "Where did you fall?"

Yan Huan pressed her ankle, and it swelled a lot, she frowned, "I sprained my ankle, it's okay, it's not too serious."

Zhizunbao knelt down and patted himself on the back, "Come on, I'll carry you."

Yan Huan hesitated.

It feels weird.

Where is wrong.

But what is wrong, what is wrong?

Why is she becoming less and less interested in the Raiders, and instead interested in Monkey King...

Supreme Treasure stood up helplessly, "You limped and walked back by yourself, then we will have to spend until tomorrow morning."

Yan Huan pursed her lips, after the numbness in her ankles, she felt a sharp pain like a needle prick.

There's nothing to be hypocritical about, isn't it just to carry it back, and she's not such a fussy person.

"Thank you, please, if you feel tired, just put me down."

Her words were polite and distant, and she was completely different from her shy appearance a few days ago.

Supreme Treasure couldn't figure out what he did wrong, why did her attitude suddenly change?
Yan Huan lay on his back, thinking too.

Raiders are supreme treasures, there is no doubt about it.

Then Sun Wukong should be regarded as the male second of this plane.

It stands to reason that she would instinctively have a good impression of the Raiders, so why does she feel like she is deliberately forcing herself to pay attention to him and like him for Supreme Treasure?


He is not a raider.

Yan Huan was shocked by this thought!
On Westward Journey, Monkey King is the Supreme Treasure!
Here, there is Supreme Treasure and Monkey King, and Supreme Treasure is so strange.

Could it be that this Supreme Treasure is fake?

The more Yan Huan thought about it, the more shocked he became!

This is too fantastical, isn't it? !

No, no, stop the strategy first, she has to wait for the system to recover, and ask the system what's going on!

But...if Sun Wukong is the Supreme Treasure...

Now, Bai Jingjing likes Monkey King!

What if Sun Wukong fell in love with Bai Jingjing? !

Things deviated from all my expectations, with unexpected twists and turns, Yan Huan was not only confused, but also confused!
She was unable to support her forehead, and her face was full of depression.

What is this called!
Originally, when the system said that there were no hidden missions, she was secretly having fun, but in the end...

A system that should kill a thousand knives!

The evening wind is cool, the bright moon hides behind the clouds, the light is dim, and the surroundings are dark.

With her on his back, Supreme Treasure stepped on the yellow sand without any complaints.

He just recovered from his illness.

She herself slipped and fell down, but Zhizunbao jumped off on her back foot.

It would be a lie to say that I was not moved.

But she knew very well that she didn't like him.

"I planned to leave tomorrow, but tonight you sprained your ankle."

Supreme Treasure opened his mouth, with a bit of pity, breaking the long silence.

Fortunately, I sprained my ankle, Yan Huan thought.

She didn't want to leave Zhizunbao before she figured it out.

What if it is discovered later that Monkey King is the real Supreme Treasure?

How can she come back?

 Thank you Yao Xiaolu for rewarding 388 book coins~

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  Thank you Yiren Zui Linglong for rewarding 100 book coins~

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  Thank you_Yaoyao Jinzhao for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Luhan ~ Is life not a dream for rewarding 588 book coins ~ is another day of being pampered...thank you guys...(beautiful face)
(End of this chapter)

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