Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 253 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending

Chapter 253 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending (49)

Xiao Tong yawned and watched her and Sun Wukong leave the temple gate. By the way, he rolled his beautiful eyes to Sun Wukong again.

This kind of man who loves to make things difficult has such a gentle and beautiful woman who likes him!

The little boy frowned in confusion, thinking in his heart that either this woman is blind or blind to fall in love with such a man!

Under the boy's weird stare, Sun Wukong felt helpless, and he led Yan Huan away through the night.

Yan Huan stared at the cold moon, leaned on Sun Wukong's shoulder and sighed, "You said...Will Yue Lao come to me?"

Sun Wukong looked down and saw her tired face, thinking that he only bullied her at noon, his ears turned red, and his brows furrowed slightly showing distress.

He patted Yan Huan's head, squatted down in front of her, and patted himself on the back, "Come on, I'll carry you back."

Yan Huan was indeed tired, there was a creaking sound when his neck was turned, and his waist was so sore that he couldn't straighten up.

She lay on Monkey King's back, with her head resting on his shoulders, his back tensed and straightened, and his steps were extraordinarily steady.

"The last time you carried me, your shoulders were not so broad. Let me think about it... The last time you carried me was when you were ten years old."

In Zixia's memory, Sun Wukong was still a thin and immature teenager at that time. She was bullied by a group of hooligans, and she sprained her ankle on the way to escape. It was Monkey King who came to find her and carried her back.

At that time, he carried her behind his back without saying a word, his back was thin, and he looked thin, but he walked very calmly step by step.

From that day on, Monkey King studied martial arts with his teacher, and until now, he has the habit of getting up early every day to practice martial arts.

The thin and immature boy back then has grown into a man who can shield her from the wind and rain, allowing herself to be lawless, pampered and willful in his sight.

The deep-rooted love had already been planted at that moment, or maybe earlier.

Time flies, time changes, things change, but his love becomes stronger and never changes.

Yan Huan lay on his back, feeling drowsy, she closed her eyes with peace of mind, and fell asleep.

Her even breathing sound was slowly whispering behind Sun Wukong's sensitive ears, but at this moment there was no trace of tenderness in her heart.

A round of bright moon is light, and in the cold light beam, fine dust is flying, and Monkey King's thoughts are also wandering.

When did you start liking her?

Was it that year when they lay side by side on the hillside looking at the stars and accidentally touched each other's fingertips?
When she was 13 years old, when she came to Kuishui for the first time, she hugged him and cried in fright, yelling that she was going to die?
Or when he was ten years old, when he carried her with a sprained foot on his back, and secretly decided in his heart that he would never let her be bullied again?
Maybe it was when we first met.

At that time, he was dressed in rags, dirty and weak, dying on the side of the road, Xiao Zixia held his hand without hesitation, and begged her father to take him back to the village.

She helped him bathe, bandaged the wound, changed him with new clothes, and said to him with crescent eyes, "My name is Zixia, how about you?"

"Don't you have a name? Then I'll give you one!"

"Well... how about calling him Sun Wukong? He's really good at it!"

The memory is blurred by time, but Sun Wukong clearly remembers that the candlelight was very warm that night, Zixia under the candlelight has beautiful eyebrows and eyes, like a little fairy who fell into the mortal world by mistake.

It turned out that from the very beginning, his heart fell on her.

 Thank you for the lime-flavored lollipop ♀ for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Luoge for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Being pampered by the little cuties every day (1/1)


  Today's fifth change is over~ (I feel my body is hollowed out)
  Going to sleep ~ good night everyone ~ (waving handkerchief ing)

(End of this chapter)

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