Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 269 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending

Chapter 269 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending (65)

There were noisy voices outside, Yan Huan couldn't hear anything except the buzzing.

She lay on the ground, opened her eyelids with all her strength, and glanced at the person who came in.

Unable to see his appearance clearly, she only looked at a pair of black soap boots embroidered with python patterns, and stepped in front of her in a few steps, and the next moment, her body was picked up by someone.

"Do not……"

Yan Huan frowned, subconsciously resisted, but was hugged even tighter by the man.

She opened her eyes to look at him with difficulty, the man's dark eyes were actually slightly reddish, and her brows were knit together, full of distress and pity.

"Zixia, I'm sorry."

His voice was as warm as a spring, but it was trembling at the moment.

It's Monkey King...

It's the Monkey King that she has been thinking about for so many days...

Are you hallucinating?
Yan Huan pulled up the corner of her mouth to laugh, but the tear on the corner of her lip was so painful that she frowned, unable to speak.

She wanted to say, don't be sorry.

Why should I be sorry?

The moment you step in, it's like a god who descended from the sky and came to the hero to save the beauty.

Everything around is fuzzy, but you are clear in my heart.

Consciousness drifted, eyelids seemed to be heavy, Yan Huan closed his eyes weakly.

Sun Wukong looked at Yan Huan who was fainting in his arms, and his heart seemed to stop beating.

Her clothes were thin, her left face was swollen, five bright red fingerprints were clearly visible, the blood from the corners of her lips had dried up, and her face was pale.

He himself felt that every part of his body was aching, and his eye circles were uncontrollably red.

Since he was a child, the girl who was on the top of his heart, even if it was just broken, would be enough for him to love her for several days.

And now...

Beaten, bullied, and almost sold to a brothel.

Severe pain as if the heart was being grabbed.

He regretted not being there sooner.

Monkey King took off the velvet cloak, wrapped Yan Huan carefully, and carried him into his arms.

The distressed tenderness on his face faded away in an instant, and he looked coldly at the kneeling man on the ground. The strong man next to him who was kicked in the crotch by Yan Huan had already passed out due to excessive pain and surprise.

The remaining two kneeling people were shaking all over their bodies, but in the winter, fine beads of sweat appeared on their heads.

Sun Wukong's dark eyes darkened, bursting out with killing intent.

The little boy next to him leaned forward tremblingly, "Your Highness, how should we deal with these people?"

His bloodthirsty and furious eyes swept across his face, and the little boy's face became paler with fright!
"What do you think?"

A few cold words are cooler than the winter wind blowing on the body!

The little white face was so frightened that he almost bit his own tongue and stammered, "Return to Your Highness, please, execute him! This kind of person should be executed immediately!"

Sun Wukong tightened Yan Huan in his arms, walked out the door, and said in a cold voice without emotion, "Zhu Jiuzu."

The two people kneeling on the ground cried out in fright, and kowtowed their heads on the ground, "No! Don't! Please! Please let my family go!"

Sun Wukong turned a blind eye to it, kicked the lady boss who had lost her face, and spoke with a stern look like Shura.

"Here, send her to the prostitute camp."

Military brothel camp? !

The proprietress was so frightened that she fell to the ground, forgot to close her mouth, and sat on the ground in a daze, unable to think of begging for mercy for a while, watching Monkey King go away as if she lost her soul.

The little boy curled his lips and sneered.

It's really unlucky, whoever doesn't want to fight, actually has the idea of ​​His Highness the Prince's sweetheart!

Who is to blame for committing suicide?
 This week's update has been completed~
  good night

(End of this chapter)

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