Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 272 The monster is here, where is the princess [Luban No. 7]

Chapter 272 The monster is here, where is the princess [Luban No. [-]]

【Emotional memory is being withdrawn...】

[Since the player is on the previous plane and does not obey the system arrangement, the system has decided to cancel all rewards from the previous plane and postpone the player's use of assist skills]

Yan Huan said mmp was about to swear, when the system's mechanical sound sounded.

[Transmission starts! 】


You will never know the heart of the system.

For example, who will the system teleport you into, and where will you appear.

Like now.

As soon as Yan Huan opened his eyes, he found himself in the middle of the road, with heavy traffic, car horns beeping, bicycle bells jingling, electric cars going around...

The whistling wind passed by his ears, Yan Huan realized belatedly, he was meowing!She was riding a bicycle? !

my God? ! ! !
It's been a long time since I've ridden a bicycle, and suddenly appeared here again, Yan Huan's feet were shaking as he was stepping on the pedals, his eyes widened in bewilderment, and he clutched the handle tightly, pulling his little ones together!
Pit ratio system! ! !

A flying shadow suddenly turned from the side, Yan Huan was startled, and hurriedly turned the front of the car to the other side, the picture in front of her turned, and she fell to the ground with a bang!


My feet hurt! !

There were little golden stars in front of him, Yan Huan fell to the ground, grinning in pain!
System, I really want to blow your heart a hundred times! ! !
And Fei Ying, who had just scared her, also slammed on the brakes. The boy stepped on the ground with one long leg, pulled off his headset, and looked at Yan Huan who fell on the ground with a strange expression.

"Touch porcelain?"

The boy was in the stage of changing his voice, his voice was green and hoarse, Yan Huan didn't bother to care about him, so he sat up from the ground and opened his trouser legs, his ankle was swollen like a bun.

mmp! !
Yan Huan gritted his teeth, greeted the eighteen generations of the system's ancestors in his heart, and looked up at the culprit viciously!
If he hadn't turned around suddenly, he was so anxious to avoid it that he fell down? !

This look...

Yan Huan was stunned.

A bright red peaked cap, a purple jacket and trousers, the trouser legs and cuffs are rolled up a little, and the sneakers on the ground are also bright red.

Looking up, he saw lavender pupils, big round eyes, and half raised eyebrows. He was chewing gum slowly, and blew a big bubble at Yan Huan condescendingly.

She is a sunny lady!
But this familiar dress...

Yan Huan was thinking hard in his head.

what! !

He's meow! ! !
This is clearly Luban No. [-]'s video game kid skin? ! ! ! !

Yan Huan's expression was distorted as if he had seen a ghost, and he stared at the boy's long legs in disbelief, his eyes were scorchingly hot!
The boy frowned in disgust, "Damn it? Even staring at the boy's legs? Perverted girl!"

Yan Huan had a mouthful of old blood choked in his throat and almost choked to death! !

Well, it is undoubtedly Luban No. [-].

Just looking at him makes me want to beat him up, and only Luban No. [-] can make everyone feel this urge.

But this leg...

Is it a prosthetic leg? !
Isn't he the shortest in the canyon with the shortest legs? !

The boy looked at Yan Huan like a monster, his eyes were full of disgust.

"Hey, are you okay? You are lying on the ground as a roadblock, which has already affected the traffic."

[The Raiders have appeared! 】

[Strategy character: Luban No. [-]
Main task: reach a true love value of 100 with the raiders
Hidden mission: fulfill the greatest wish of the raider]

Yan Huan:. . .

I reject! ! !
I want to go home! ! !

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !


 Thank you for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Catch kisses, hugs, rub chests~

  Hahahaha I didn't expect it to be Luban!
  scare you!

(End of this chapter)

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