Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 275 The monster is here, where is the princess

Chapter 275 The monster is here, where is the princess (4)

the next day.

The moment the alarm rang, Yan Huan was shocked!

Confused, she reached for the alarm clock and squinted a slightly swollen eye.

It's only six twenty!

Why do you wake up so early, there is no money in the sky...

She turned off the alarm clock without hesitation.

As for why the eyes are slightly swollen...

Is such that.

Playwright Yan Huan dragged her crippled foot home last night, because she lost her bicycle and was afraid of being scolded by her parents, she hugged her mother's leg as soon as she entered the door, and started crying!
"Mom, I'm sorry! I'm so useless! I'm so incompetent! I failed to protect my beloved bicycle! It was stolen by bad guys!"

The tragic scene and the touching acting skills are like a sad lover who has been robbed of his wife by the villain.

Yu's mother and Yu's father were dumbfounded.

Yu's mother quickly got Yan Huan up, and frowned worriedly, "Don't cry, don't cry, ouch, you lost your bike, did you get hurt?"

Yan Huan clutched his heart, looking like Lin Daiyu's upper body, "I...I broke my heart..."

Probably because he felt that this was too fake, Yan Huan stretched out his plastered ankle, holding back two more tears miserably, "I accidentally hurt my foot when I was fighting the gangster to the death."

So, although his eyes were swollen from crying, not only did Yan Huan, the playwright, not be scolded, but he also got a new bicycle and pig's trotter soup for three consecutive days.

Life is all about acting.

"Yu Chaochao, you damn girl! You're going to be late!!!"

Yan Huan sat up in a state of fright in her sleep and was dying of illness. When she saw the person, it was her mother.

She pulled her hair twice, her eyes were empty.

be late?

I rely on! !
I almost forgot that I am a high school student now!
Yan Huan got up from the bed in a numb manner, momentarily forgetting that her left ankle was swollen, she couldn't stand still, and threw herself into her mother's arms.

Yu's mother, who was fierce just now, immediately softened.

"Hey, don't worry, be careful, your dad will drive you to school today."

Ah... really dear parents!

At the school gate, Yan Huan jumped out of the car with one foot, waved to her father, and limped in, when she heard a high-pitched whistle behind her.

Lu Ban screeched to a stop beside Yan Huan, and winked at her flirtatiously, "What are you doing here?"

The morning sun shone down from the gaps of the camphor trees beside him, and he stood in the golden sunlight, with a dimple deeply embedded on his left cheek, lazy and energetic.

But it didn't touch Yan Huan's girly heart at all.

Yan Huan walked in slowly and uninterestedly, angrily, "Of course I'm here to go to school, otherwise I'm here to teach?"

Lu Ban stepped out of the car, opened his round eyes, and looked up and down Yan Huan curiously.

"You are from our school? Why have I never seen you?"

Yan Huan rolled his eyes to the sky, and a breath of gloom stuck in his throat. The only feeling he felt was...

Heartbroken, old iron!

Yan Huan looked in the mirror in the morning, and Yu Chaochao's face was not bad, white and tender, with a small nose and mouth, but not small eyes.

Maybe it's just a little baby fat, so it looks like a child, not a stunning big beauty, but a cute little loli.

It makes no sense that Lu Ban would have no impression of her at all!
Yan Huan raised the corners of his lips slightly at Lu Ban, gnashing his teeth in a tone of voice, "Speaking of which, we are still in the same class."

As expected, Lu Ban's eyes widened a bit, and Yan Huan's smiling face was reflected in his purple pupils.

Yan Huan crossed his arms and said unceremoniously, "Brother, how many years have you been blind? Why haven't you treated it?"

 Thank you Nan Zhi Xiangnuan for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to a green orange cat for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Pekki for rewarding 399 book coins~

  Thank you for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you for breaking my heart and rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you など for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks for the waste. Reward 100 book coins~

  Thank you Yu Nian for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks-Little Arrogance, Levi rewarded 99 book coins~

  Thank you Qianmu Huaqingzi for rewarding 688 book coins~

  Thank you Lucky Candy for rewarding 99 book coins~

  【ah. .Another day being taken care of by the little fairies]

  [So shy, I like it so much, I hug you guys! 】

(End of this chapter)

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