Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 277 The monster is here, where is the princess

Chapter 277 The monster is here, where is the princess (6)

After a whole day of observation, Yan Huan roughly understood why Lu Ban had no impression of her at all.

To be precise, Lu Ban has no impression of everyone, except for a few boys who usually play well.

Because Lu Ban's daily activities at school are like this.

In the morning, sleep, in the afternoon, hide under the desk and play games.

As soon as the school bell rang, he picked up his schoolbag and left without looking sideways the whole time, without any contact with his classmates at all.

However, in such a strict school, and there is a head teacher who is like a "miserable teacher", Lu Ban can live so freely and happily, and has never been scolded?
Is it because he gave up treatment, so the teachers don't care about him?

It's so weird.

Yan Huan glanced at Lu Ban's leaving back, immediately grabbed his schoolbag, and limped after Lu Ban at the stairs.

Ah...the power of love is indeed great...

bah bah bah!
She and Lu Ban obviously only have hatred, but no love!

Yan Huan yelled at Lu Ban's back, he paused his hands that were about to put on the earphones, and looked back in surprise.

Standing against the light, the boy leaning against the wall of the corridor was holding the earphone in one hand, his eyes were half-closed lazily, his short black hair was gilded by the sun, he looked like a boy who came out of a cartoon.

Yan Huan couldn't help but looked dumbfounded, Lu Ban suddenly smiled, his dimples were deep, his eyebrows and eyes were raised.

"Hey, wipe the saliva from the corner of your mouth! You don't want to block me in this confession with your fanatical gaze, do you?"

Yan Huan quickly wiped the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, but... how could there be any saliva? !
Played by him!

Lu Ban threw down his earphones, and walked down the stairs in two or three steps. His youthful voice was careless, "Don't confess your love, I refuse you."

Yan Huan:? ? ?

She limped after a few steps and found that she couldn't catch up with the long-legged man, so she hurriedly shouted, "Hey, hey! I don't want to confess my love to you, I just have a question to ask you!"

Lu Ban raised his lips, put his arm on the handrail of the stairs, put one hand in his trouser pocket, and raised half of his eyebrows, quite narcissistic.

"Ask what question? Ask me if I like you? No, goodbye."

Yan Huan seemed to have a mouthful of old blood in his heart.

She rolled her eyes towards the sky, "Will you die if you are not narcissistic?"

Yan Huan pouted speechlessly, and continued, "I want to ask you, what is your greatest wish?"

"Wish?" Lu Ban frowned, and said without hesitation, "My wish is to be number one in the school."

Yan Huan: Dumbfounded.

As far as your grades are concerned, you have been ranked first from the bottom all year round, and you still want to be the first in all corrections?

Oh my god, this hidden mission is completely impossible to complete!

Yan Huan twitched the corner of his mouth, and looked at Lu Ban with a strange expression, his eyes full of despair.

Lu Ban laughed, put his hands in his pockets, and swaggered down the stairs with his long legs, "I lied to you! My wish is actually world peace!"

Yan Huan:. . .

This man, don't be a fool!
She sighed and walked resentfully towards the bus stop at the school gate.

"System, did you hear that? Luban said that his greatest wish is world peace. The world is peaceful now. Have I completed my hidden mission?"

The system is also speechless.

[Players please be serious! 】

Yan Huan pulled the camphor leaves on top of his head, muttering unhappily to himself.

She is very serious!

It's obviously Lu Ban, he's not serious!

 Thank you △ Lemon Summer for rewarding 399 book coins~

  Thank you for breaking my heart and rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thanks `Qianzhu for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you, please call me Ergouzi to reward 100 book coins~

  Thank you Mengsuo Reincarnation for rewarding 2476 book coins~

  Thanks to the little lunatic for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Canzhulei for rewarding 100 book coins~

  [Balala energy!Be taken care of by fairies every day! 】

  【Wow!The magic has come true! 】

  【Hold the little fairies and kiss them~】

(End of this chapter)

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