Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 284 The monster is here, where is the princess

Chapter 284 The monster is here, where is the princess (13)

like you?
Yes, I like you so much, I can't wait to take out my 40-meter long knife and stab you to death!
Yan Huan laughed inwardly, pretending to be shy, and wringing his fingers.

"Yeah, I like you!"

Surprise flashed in Lu Ban's eyes, he was just asking her for fun, he didn't expect her to really...

He coughed twice in embarrassment, and the tips of his ears turned red again, "Ah..."

Maybe he didn't know what to say, so he clicked his tongue a few times jokingly, and said confidently, "I'm handsome, smart, good at basketball, and musical, so many advantages, no Do you know what you like about me?"

Yan Huan's heart: hehehehe
She raised her head halfway with a smile and looked at his profile, "I like you a lot!"

She blinked and listed them one by one, "For example, I like that you are less narcissistic and more normal, and most importantly..."

Yan Huan lowered his face, and glared at Lu Ban angrily, "I like you to stay away from me!"

She tugged on the strap of her schoolbag, turned her head and walked quickly to the bus stop.

Lu Ban was stunned behind her.

Be less narcissistic, be more normal, and stay away from her?
I originally asked her if she liked me, just to tease her, but I didn't expect to be played by her in the end?

Lu Ban looked at her small figure standing on the bus platform, and thought of her scowling face just now.

It looks like the white flour steamed buns sold in the cafeteria.

He couldn't help curling his lips into a smile.

Standing alone in front of the bus stop, it's so pitiful.

Lu Ban went to the shed to get the car, and was about to go around in front of her and kindly take her back, but the bus arrived first.

Yep, the bus got in the way of his heroic rescue.

He stepped on the bicycle slowly, took a few more glances when passing by the video game city, finally pursed his lips, sighed annoyedly, and rode away in a hurry.

Go back and look at math again, Yu Chaochao is that idiot, math is so bad, how can he not save him?


Facts have proved that even Lu Ban with an IQ of [-] can't save Yan Huan, a person like Yan Huan who is naturally ignorant of mathematics.

Tomorrow is the math test, Yan Huan is still biting the eraser on the tip of the pencil, frowning.

She did understand all the questions Lu Ban told her.

But if she changed the type of question, she couldn't do it! QQ
Yan Huan sighed resentfully, looked up eagerly at the speechless Lu Ban, and his face collapsed pitifully.

She won't!

What can she do, she is also very desperate! (T▽T)
Lu Ban also sighed, pursing his lips in a look of resentment, much like Yu Chaochao's father.

He started to pack his schoolbag, and cast a helpless glance at Yan Huan, "Forget it, you... have become so stupid that there is no cure."

Yan Huan also had a desperate expression of how could I be so stupid.

She followed Lu Ban out the door, listlessly hanging her head.

Lu Ban suddenly turned around and said to her solemnly, "Yu Chaochao, save money!"

save money?

Yan Huan looked confused, "Why save money? I'm a woman, and I don't need to save money to marry a wife."

Lu Ban shook his head and looked at her sympathetically, "No, what I mean is, you should save money for a brain transplant."

Yan Huan's face darkened, he raised his leg and kicked him!

Lu Ban watched her run out of the school gate quickly, thinking that he had really pissed her off, so he hurriedly chased her out!

"Hey, don't be upset. At worst, if you have a brain transplant operation in the future, I will exchange it with you!"

 Thank you Bai と Feng Jiu for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Canzhulei for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Gloomy for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Dream Butterfly for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you Mengsuo Reincarnation for rewarding 588 book coins~

  [Hold the little cuties, chirp, chirp, chirp! ! 】

  [There will be another chapter later ~ what?]

(End of this chapter)

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