Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 408 Capturing is the only focus of life [Lanling King and Hua Mulan]

Chapter 408 Capturing is the only focus of life [Lanling King and Hua Mulan]

[Congratulations to the player for successfully conquering plane 7, rewarding diamonds x 200, positioning x 1]

[Mengqi successfully assisted plane 7, upgraded to level 2, and increased skill timeliness. 】

【Emotional memory is being withdrawn...】

[Transmission starts! 】


Consciousness revived.

Something on her back made her frowned uncomfortably, and Yan Huan opened her eyes.

The sand and dust flying in front, the blood splattering, the sound of fighting, the sound of horseshoes, the sharp metal sound of weapons colliding, and the pained groans of the wounded, are like the hell field of Shura.

This is... the battlefield?
The wounded soldier in the corner was leaning against the city wall. The wound on his right chest was dripping with blood. He gave up resistance and waited for the harvest of death.

Yan Huan got up from the ground, touched his back, and touched a cold sword.

The expected knife didn't hit his neck, the soldier opened his eyes in a daze, and the enemy fell at his feet, twitching and spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, and didn't move anymore.

The woman in front of her was dressed in orange-black armor, with a dazzling dragon crown on her forehead. She had sharp sword eyebrows, a straight nose, and silver hair tied into a neat high ponytail.

"Do you want to live?"

The soldier nodded without hesitation.

Yan Huan picked up a knife on the ground and kicked him, "Follow me!"

The ruined battle situation that was about to be defeated, because of the control and command of an unknown woman, there was even the slightest sign of victory!
Trembling, the soldiers who lost their morale were no longer cowering and frightened. They followed the woman with the dragon crown on their foreheads, and the sound of killing resounded through the sky!
The yellow sand was misty, and the smell of blood was disgusting. The woman pursed her thin lips, slaughtering expressionlessly.

With her here, the Great Wall Army seems to have a backbone.

The enemy fled to his own barracks in a panic, Yan Huan wiped the blood from his face and raised his hand.

"Don't chase after poor bandits, beware of ambushes, retreat."

No one questioned her order.

If it wasn't for this woman's sudden appearance, the enemy army would break through the Great Wall today!

The deputy captain followed behind Yan Huan, he looked at the shining dragon crown on her forehead, seemed to think of something, and widened his eyes excitedly!

"You, are you the new general sent by His Majesty?"

The dragon crown bestowed by the emperor is the highest honor for a general!

This woman is actually a new general sent by the court, no wonder, no wonder she is as brave as a man!
The lieutenant was surprised and excited, "Great, great!"

Yan Huan just smiled.

The system didn't tell her information about this world, and she didn't know who she was.

She put the sword into the scabbard, and led the crowd towards the Great Wall lying on the ground like a crouching dragon amidst the misty yellow sand.

The joy and pride of winning the battle dilutes the haze of death. The soldiers behind support each other, even if they are seriously injured, even if they are on the verge of death, the firm light in their eyes tells the determination to guard their homeland.

Never die, never stop.

For the Great Wall Guards, home is where the Great Wall is.


Yamir City, fifty miles away from the Great Wall.

The young general stood on the city wall with his hands behind his back, and the westerly wind of yellow sand messed up his silver hair.

His pupils are dark green, lazy, but dangerous, revealing the ambition of grabbing.

The lieutenant walked up the city wall slowly, and spoke unwillingly.

"King, we lost."

The young general lowered his eyes, his expression was covered by a bronze mask, and he spoke lightly, with a casual tone.


The lieutenant gritted his teeth angrily, "Suddenly a woman appeared, with strong martial arts and a flexible mind, and we ended up..."

The general's pupils were filled with interest, "A woman?"

 Thank you Mengzhen for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Hold the little cutie and rub it cutely~】


  Crazy calling for the Shuanglan couple in the new plane!

(End of this chapter)

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