Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 412 Capture is the only focus of life

Chapter 412 Capture is the only focus of life (5)

The sound of footsteps behind her was obvious, Yan Huan reacted, and instinctively stabbed behind her with the sword, the man clamped her sword blade between his fingers, and smiled lazily from the side.

"Can't you be friendly when we meet for the first time?"

Yan Huan drew back his light sword and looked the man up and down.

The man was dressed in black and green armor, with a strand of silver hair hanging down, lining the soul-stirring peach blossom eyes, tainted with a bit of evil, but the mask covered most of his face, so I don't know his appearance.

However, as long as this pair of pupils are so confusing, the appearance should not be too bad.

[The Raiders have appeared! 】

System prompts.

Oh... So this is King Lanling.

Yan Huan raised his eyebrows, folded his arms, raised his chin slightly and said unceremoniously, "Friendly means treating friends, not enemies."

King Lanling laughed lowly, his eyes sparkled, and he spoke in a lazy, hoarse voice.

"There is no permanent enemy, such as now, in the dark jungle, I will be your good helper."

Yan Huan sneered.

Healing armor's injuries is the top priority now, so let's step aside for the favorability strategy or something.

Besides, King Lanling is her opposite enemy, how could he come to help her so kindly?
"Helper? Sorry, I don't need someone like you as a helper."

She added fiercely, "Get out of the way, don't hinder me!"

King Lanling remained motionless.

He cleared his throat, raised his eyes, and said he was friendly, and his tone was very kind.

"It's already dark, and the little dragon and the big dragon are about to climb up from the black abyss. It's very dangerous to stay here."

Yan Huan rolled his eyes, "None of your business!"


King Lanling shook his head, "You woman, why are you so stubborn?"

"Look how the little mouse in your arms is trembling. This is the instinctive reaction of an animal that is many times stronger than itself."

Yan Huan lowered his head and glanced at Meng Qi, Meng Qi grabbed her skirt, screamed, and shook his head violently, seeing her hesitating expression, it fell to the ground with a snap, stuck out his tongue and rolled his eyes, pretending to be dead.

Yan Huan:. . .

It's getting late, it's really not a wise move to stay in the dark forest.

You can't put yourself in it just to save the armor.

Yan Huan picked up Meng Qi from the ground, glanced coldly at King Lanling, and left with a frown.

After leaving the dark forest, the outside is already full of stars, and the footsteps behind her are still following her.

"Hey, what are you always doing with me?"

In the dark night, his green pupils were as aggressive as a wolf, but with a gentle tinge.

King Lanling laughed suddenly, his voice was deep and magnetic, hoarse and seductive, full of ambiguous hints.

"A man followed a woman, you said...why?"

Yan Huan was teased by him and blushed!

Didn't she attack King Lanling?How...was counterattacked?

No, no, no, no, nothing, rape or steal!

Enemies on the opposite side must not believe his rhetoric!

She turned cold, "Ordinary men follow ordinary women, that's love and pursuit, and you follow me, that's to kill me by surprise."

King Lanling walked up to Yan Huan, leaned down slightly and looked at her at the same level. He raised his eyebrows, his eyes rolled, his evil nature was seductive, and his voice was magnetic and sweet, hitting her heart numbly.

"Don't think so badly of me."

"Although the camps are different, it doesn't stop me from being interested in you."

He raised his hand, slightly raised Yan Huan's chin, his eyes were burning like fire, and his eyes were lazy.

"Hua Mulan, right? I have my eyes on you."

 The King of Lanling started the crazy flirting mode...

  [Mengmeng guesses that everyone is pampering the books, after all, the final exam is coming, so she silently stretches out her little hand for love...]

(End of this chapter)

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