Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 420 Capture is the only focus of life

Chapter 420 Capture is the only focus of life (13)

Xiao Er led the horse out for her, it was tall and majestic, it kicked its front legs, snorted, Yan Huan stroked its mane, looked up and saw King Lanling waiting for her under the opposite tree.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Where's your horse?"

King Lanling walked towards her with his arms folded, his eyes helpless, "I came here."

come over?
It's tens of miles away from Yamir City. You walked here, did you start off last night?
Yan Huan rolled his eyes, and led his horse around him, "Then you can go back."

King Lanling laughed lightly, and followed her with a stern look, "It's not safe for you, a weak girl, at night, so I'll take you home."

Yan Huan: Hehehehe...

Hua Mulan... a weak girl?
You seem to be kidding me.

She got on the horse, and King Lanling got on the horse right after him. He sat behind Yan Huan, the armor on his chest rubbed against hers, the metal collided, and there was a crisp "ding".

"Hey, don't get so close to me!"

"This saddle is only this big..."

"Just sit down and don't put your arms around me!"

"This horse runs so fast, if I don't hug you, you will be knocked down."

Yan Huan: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴

Gao Changgong, can you pretend to be weaker? !
Yan Huan's teeth itched in anger, but fortunately his arm was only around her waist, and he didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

The horse galloped up, kicking up sand and dust, her silver hair was disheveled by the wind, and the strands were like a lover's hand, caressing his face.

His hair was fragrant, and the exposed part of the back of his neck was as white as mutton fat jade. His lips were curled up, and the color of his eyes was dark and unclear.

"The moon and stars are beautiful tonight."

"It looks good, just take a look."

A low laugh came from behind him, he took off his mask, and put his forehead against the back of Yan Huan's head, his voice was clear and soft, but full of tenderness.

"Hua Mulan, your heart is so tightly wrapped."

Yan Huan slandered inwardly, who made you the enemy's general?
Who would believe the sudden approach without purpose?
Yan Huan was silent, his breath gushed against her neck, the hot and ambiguous temperature made her whole body numb.

Prince Lanling is really a vixen!

The horse stopped three miles away from the Great Wall, Yan Huan patted King Lanling's arm, and said in a disgusted tone, "Go down."

King Lanling suddenly hugged her waist tightly, sighed softly, "Hua Mulan..."

[Strategy character favorability +10, current total favorability: 20]


He paused for a long time before opening his mouth tentatively.

"Will you always guard the Great Wall?"

She looked up at the sky full of stars, a full moon and clear.

"What we are guarding is not the Great Wall, but the tens of thousands of beautiful families and innocent people behind the Great Wall. They should not suffer from the war."

He chuckled lightly, and said in a flat tone, "Yes, the most painful thing is the loss of a family."

Yan Huan didn't understand what he wanted to express.

She added another sentence, her eyes darkened, but her tone was firm.

"As long as I am the general of the Great Wall Guards, we are enemies, King Lanling, don't approach me anymore, I won't be bewitched by you."

The person behind got off the horse, and he raised his hand to touch the horse's mane. The horse shook its head unhappily and kicked its front hooves.

"In Yamir City, I am Lou Lan's general, King Lanling. With you, I am Gao Changgong."

He patted the horse's belly, and the horse ran quickly. He crossed his arms and looked deeply at the direction Yan Huan was leaving, with restraint in his eyes.

 It feels that...recently...the number of people who read getting less and less...

  Why are you getting fat...QAQ
  Quickly tell Stupid Dream that this is an illusion... QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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