Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 424 Capture is the only focus of life

Chapter 424 Capture is the only focus of life (17)

Downstairs in Yamer City.

Yan Huan was wearing a black tights, which completely blended into the thick night.

She came prepared.

Today, she has been studying the distribution of guards in Yamer City, the time of guard change, the route to and from, and the positions of several exit gates by heart.

She nestled on the tree, tightened the dagger at her waist, stared at the guards passing by without blinking, and dared not breathe.

Finally, taking advantage of the negligence of the guards changing guards, she turned over from the side of the tower, don't get caught here!
The patrolling guards left, Yan Huan wiped the sweat off his brow, and lightly jumped down from the tree.

The positioning technique showed that Baili Xuance was in the main city of Yamir City, that is to say, he and King Lanling lived in the same palace.

Unexpectedly, Baili Xuance was so important to him that he was raised in the palace.

Yan Huan clung to the dark alley, and gradually approached Miyagi. The guards in Miyagi were a little less, and when the guards changed, she used the same method to climb over the wall and get in.

Meng Qi was suffocating in her arms, crawled out of her arms to catch his breath, Yan Huan was so frightened that he immediately stuffed it in!
Exhale and exhale, why is the sound so loud!
Afraid that others don't know there are people here? !
She grabbed Mengqi's round tail, and Mengqi scratched her chest lightly, expressing weakly that she didn't dare.

It was night in Miyagi, except for the patrolling guards, there was basically no one there.

Following the route in his mind, Yan Huan nervously walked to the room where Xuan Ce was.

Xuan Ce is still a child of seven or eight years old, easy to cheat and abduct, there is no major problem.

The biggest problem is, when the time comes, sneak out of the city with Xuan Ce on his back.

The window of Xuan Ce's room was ajar, she gently pushed it open, turned over lightly and jumped in.

In the dim and dark environment, she walked carefully step by step, for fear of bumping into something, making a noise, and waking up Xuan Ce.

The dark gray curtain, the child inside was sleeping soundly, and the sound of even breathing could be heard, she gently lifted the curtain, and suddenly something flew over from inside!
Yan Huan was startled, and immediately dodged away!


This brat hasn't slept so late? !
But the even breathing sound just now, could it be an act? !
Damn! ! !

Xuance, does your brother know that you are cheating like this? !

A child jumped out of the bed, his red animal ears moved, he grabbed the small scythe in his hand, his expression was fierce, his round eyes like red agate stared at Yan Huan, "Who are you?"

Yan Huan:. . .


She bit the bullet and coaxed, "I'm here to take you to your brother, Baili keeps the promise."

Xiao Xuance remained expressionless.

Yan Huan:. . .

For such a small child, he sneered, "You are the sixth one to tell me that."

The sickle blade hit her face again, Yan Huan had one head and two big ones!
She said quickly in a low voice, "Meng Qi! The second skill traps him!"

Meng Qi jumped out of her arms, and threw a nightmare swamp at Xuan Ce's feet!

Xuan Ce was stunned, and moved his body inexplicably, with a dazed expression on his face.

Yan Huan:. . .

its not right!The nightmare swamp trapped him, he couldn't move!

【Notice!Notice! 】

Yan Huan's heart skipped a beat when the system's sudden prompt sounded!
[Meng Qi's skills are not valid for other heroes in the canyon! 】


invalid? ! ! !
Xuan Ce was stunned for two seconds, and immediately started howling!
"Come here!!! There are assassins!!!"

 Thank you Feng Ruxing for rewarding 100 book coins~

  [Hold and give a couple of bites! ! 】

  [This chapter is coded on the subway in Chengdu, please praise me for being good~]

(End of this chapter)

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