Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 427 Capture is the only focus of life

Chapter 427 Capture is the only focus of life (21)


It was time for the guards in Yamer City to change their guards.

Yan Huan was successfully brought out by King Lanling. The horse was prepared for her outside the city. She got on the horse, looked down into his eyes, and thanked him earnestly.

Prince Lanling curled his lips into a smile, and his words were teasingly insincere.

"If you really want to thank me, just promise it with your body."

Yan Huan's ears turned red when he teased her, she pulled the reins and turned around, her voice was rare and gentle.

"Think beautifully!"

She clamped the horse's belly tightly, and the horse ran away happily. King Lanling leaned against the city wall and looked at her back. Her waist was slender, her back was straight, her silver hair was shining, and the bewitching smile on his face gradually faded. go down.

[Strategy character favorability +10, current total favorability: 40]

He felt that his heart was a little uncontrollably soft for her, and strange for her.

This was an unplanned accident.

As the saying goes, long time makes love. Could it be that he has gotten along with Hua Mulan so much that he really has feelings for her?

Feelings, is this the feeling?
King Lanling didn't know.

Feeling depressed, uncomfortable, weird, bored, and at a loss, he frowned.


The lieutenant approached Yan Huan only after seeing Yan Huan walking away, and saluted him respectfully.

The tenderness in King Lanling's eyes disappeared, and the indifference of the past returned.


The lieutenant hesitated to speak, looked up at his expression, and slowly expressed his doubts.

"Why didn't Wang kill Hua Mulan? Last night was a perfect opportunity."

If Hua Mulan dies, the Great Wall guards will be leaderless and in chaos, and they will take advantage of the situation to fight, and the chances of winning are great!
King Kelanling actually let Hua Mulan go.

The deputy general was a little worried, did Wang fall in love with Hua Mulan, so he was soft-hearted and couldn't do anything?

King Lanling glanced at him indifferently, then turned and went back to the city.

"Kill Hua Mulan, Su Lie, and other generals sent by other imperial courts in the future. What we want is not Hua Mulan's death, but breaking the Great Wall."

The lieutenant suddenly realized.

"Then, what does the king mean..."

King Lanling's complexion was deep, with coldness in his eyes, he spoke lightly, as if he had no emotion at all.

"According to the original plan."

He suddenly stopped and turned his head to give instructions to the lieutenant general.

"Send Xuan Ce to the gate of the Great Wall in the afternoon, saying that he is the one Hua Mulan wants."

The deputy general was taken aback, "Master Xuan Ce? The king wants to give Master Xuan Ce to Hua Mulan? But Xuan Ce's brother..."

King Lanling interrupted him.

"Do as I say."


Yan Huanhuan went back to the Great Wall and disappeared overnight. I don't know what's going on in the Great Wall now, and whether everyone is looking for her everywhere.

She got off her horse and met Kai, who was on patrol. He just nodded slightly, as a greeting, and was not surprised.

Don't you know she disappeared last night?
Yan Huan also nodded, and hurried into the barracks.

The barracks was still the same as before, everyone performed their duties in an orderly manner, and there was no panic about the disappearance of the general.

When Su Lie came out of the tent, seeing Yan Huan, surprise flashed across his face.

Su Lie found out that she was missing last night, in order to prevent confusion in the army, he did not publicize the matter.

He looked Yan Huan up and down a few times, and only opened his mouth when he saw that she was unharmed.

"General, I remembered what you asked me last time."

Yan Huan was slightly taken aback.

last time?What's up?

Su Lie smiled, "It's about Phoenix Lingyu."

He thought of the use of the phoenix feathers?
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  Thank you, please call me Ergouzi to reward 999 book coins~

  Thank you, Miss, for rewarding 388 book coins~

  【Lying in the arms of the little fairies and waiting for Shun Mao~】

(End of this chapter)

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