Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 429 Capture is the only focus of life

Chapter 429 Capture is the only focus of life (23)

Lou Lan's soldiers walked away.

Baili Xuance was held by Yan Huan, turned his head three times a step, saw the backs of the soldiers going away, and then looked at Yan Huan's backs, curled his lips, and burst into tears!
Yan Huan:. . .

Wasn't it rough last night?
Pretending to be asleep, throwing the scythe, and howling!

Why are you so scared today?
She said last night that if the opportunity falls into her hands, she must ravage him well.

But seeing him crying so sad... Yan Huan's heart softened.

"Don't cry, I don't eat people."

Baili Xuance held the sickle blade, his eyes, which were originally as red as agate, were now as red as a bunny.

"I don't want you! I want Master! I want Master!"

He cried louder and louder, tears trickling down, poorly.

Seeing that Yan Huan was unmoved, Baili Xuance simply shook off her hand, sat down on the ground, and started playing tricks.

"I want to go home! I want to go home! You are all bad people!"

Yan Huan:. . .

Head... so... hurts...

Alas, this brat.

She leaned over to pick up Xuan Ce, and patted his little butt, "Don't cry anymore, if you cry again, I will throw you into the stable to feed the horses."

Baili Xuance: QAQ
Kai, who was leaning against the city gate, chuckled lightly.

Throw it to feed the horse, don't horses eat grass?

Hua Mulan threatened him with such lame words, but the kid actually took it seriously.

This one is big and small, which is quite interesting.

Baili Xuance, who was carried by Yan Huan on his shoulders, kicked his legs indiscriminately, beating Yan Huan's back with his small fists, crying non-stop!

It really made her look like a child trafficker!
Yan Huan's head is as big as a fight!
What on earth was she thinking, getting a little ancestor back? !

Yan Huan put Baili Xuance down expressionlessly, and threatened viciously, "Baili Xuance! What do you want?!"

Little Xuan Ce was not afraid of the fierce Yan Huan at all, instead he raised his head, looking brave to die, "I want to go back to my master!"

Yan Huan:. . .

Master Master, do you only have Prince Lanling on your mind?
She didn't know how to coax this kind of brat, she folded her arms and looked down at him coldly, while Xuan Ce also stiffened his neck and stared at her fiercely.

The atmosphere is deadlocked.

Kai shook his head helplessly, came over and took Xuan Ce's hand, his voice was cold, but his eyes were gentle.

"Why do you want your master?"

Xuan Ce sobbed twice, feeling aggrieved.

"Master treats Xuan Ce well, master..."

He blinked a few times and squeezed the sickle in his hand, "Master's martial arts are very high."

Yan Huan couldn't help but also squatted down, "I will treat you well, and my martial arts are also very high!"

Xuan Ce pushed her away, and hid behind Kai, with a wrinkled expression.

"You're a bad woman! I hate you!"

Yan Huan:. . .

You brat almost got me caught and killed last night. I don't think you are bad, I don't think you are annoying, but you despise me?
"Okay, okay, I'm a bad woman."

Yan Huan was powerless to support his forehead, and coaxed softly, "Don't cry, don't make trouble, stay here with me, your brother will come to you soon."

She took out a handkerchief and wiped the tears off Baili Xuance's face, "Brother Kai will treat you very well, and his martial arts are also very high."

Baili Xuance stretched out his small hand, grabbed Kai's trouser leg, and looked suspiciously at Yan Huan.

"Will my brother really come?"

Yan Huan stretched out his little finger and nodded seriously, "He will definitely come to you, I promise."

Little Xuan Ce snorted arrogantly, pushed Yan Huan's hand away, grabbed Kai's trouser leg, and hid behind him.

All right, all right, I don't know why Xuan Ce fell in love with Kai, the first time we met he liked him so much.

 Good night, fairies!

  What a group~
(End of this chapter)

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