Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 432 Capture is the only focus of life

Chapter 432 Capture is the only focus of life (26)

Love is confusing.

Yan Huan has long forgotten her identity, she is just an ordinary woman who fell in love with a man.

She just wanted affirmation, so that her restless and uncertain heart could firmly like him.

And he did give her a reassurance.

All doubts, all confusion, all uncertainties, all disappeared with his words.

"Gao Changgong, I like you."

The tone of the woman in her arms was unnaturally stiff, mixed with helplessness, but it was hard to hide her love.

"Stay with me, I hope you are not Lanling King, but Gao Changgong."

She clasped King Lanling's hand and paused every word, full of hope.

They are just lovers, not enemies on the battlefield.

King Lanling hugged her, feeling sour in his heart.

His heart throbbed with dull pain, and there was a voice in his heart that spurned him, condemned him, despised him, and was unwilling in every possible way, but he still lied to Hua Mulan after all.

He was deliberately approaching teasing.

He was using love as bait.

He had a purpose.

But ask yourself, does he really not like Hua Mulan at all?

King Lanling didn't dare to think about it.

Something as illusory as love has never been what he should want.

His life was planned many years ago, and his reason for living has always been that one.

The night is dark, the crescent moon is half hanging, the clear and cold moonlight cannot penetrate the window paper, nor can it illuminate the concubine lover in the room.

Darkness, what a good thing.

I can't see his expression clearly, nor can I see his heart clearly.

Holding the back of Yan Huan's head, he pressed a promised kiss on her lips, affectionately.

"I will always be your Gao Changgong."


King Lanling waited until it was dark before leaving.

The room is lingering with a faint fragrance, a fragrance that belongs to him alone.

Peace of mind, nostalgia.

Yan Huan stretched her waist, and smiled.


She never thought that she was a general of the Great Wall Guards, and she would fall in love with the enemy's general.

Things like identity can never get in the way of love.

As long as King Lanling really likes her, she is willing to break through all external obstacles and be with him.

Big deal, she won't be the general of the Great Wall Guards, and he won't be the general of Yamer City.

Just be an ordinary lover.

It's worth it for love, she is willing, and King Lanling will be willing too.

The guards of the Great Wall all noticed that today's general is very gentle and loves to laugh.

Coming out of the discussion camp, Su Lie stopped Yan Huan.

Yan Huan was stunned, "What? Is there something wrong?"

Su Lie hesitated to speak, he walked to a remote place and asked a question tentatively.

"General, there are some things that I shouldn't say in my capacity, but if you don't say them, you know that I can't hold back things in my heart."

Yan laughed.

"You and I are still so polite? Is there anything we can't say between us?"

Su Lie leaned against the tree, and smiled with his lips curled up, his unshaven face had a vicissitudes of life.

"General, are you and King Lanling close?"

Yan Huan's heart skipped a beat.

Did he discover the relationship between himself and King Lanling?

If Su Lie knew that they were lovers, he would never let them be together out of precaution.

Father, like son.

Nothing compares to the safety of the Great Wall.

Her face turned pale, her eyes were tangled, but she didn't want to lie to Su Lie.

"Prince Lanling and I like each other."

(End of this chapter)

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