Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 437 Capture is the only focus of life

Chapter 437 Capture is the only focus of life (31)

A strange color flashed in King Lanling's eyes, he withdrew his hand, and thought carefully about the feeling he just touched below.

Something like sheepskin leather.

In the military camp, only important maps such as topographic maps and defense maps are drawn on parchment paper.

His heart beat uncontrollably.

After waiting for so many days, I finally got the defense map of the Great Wall...

There was no surprise in his heart, but he was nervous and at a loss.

"Why don't you speak?"

A soft sound interrupted his daze, King Lanling smiled with his lips curled up, his bright eyes still bewitching in the dark night, he raised his hand to unarm Yan Huan, with a flirtatious tone.

"It's only warm with you in bed."

Yan Huan blushed when she was teased, she slapped his hands away, washed up briefly, and lay down under the blanket.

There was still a bit of his cold fragrance from last night in the bed. She wrapped her arms around King Lanling's waist, she was thin and strong, and she could vaguely feel the firm texture of her abdominal muscles.

Yan Huan said dully, like a little girl's sentimentality, "Gao Changgong, if one day, our two sides start a war again, what should we do?"

Prince Lanling caressed her back through the clothes. She was slender and ticklish. Every time he stroked her back, she would unconsciously tense up, as if she was facing an enemy.

He closed his eyes, lazily raised his lips and said, "Anyway, I won't let you suffer any harm."

In the dark night, her eyes are as bright as obsidian, "You won't hurt my body, will that hurt my heart?"

He chuckled, helplessly and dotingly.

"I don't want to let you suffer physical injuries, let alone heartaches?"

King Lanling moved closer, pressed a kiss on her forehead, and coaxed her softly.

"Go to sleep, stop thinking about it, I will never hurt you at any time."

Yan Huan slowly closed his eyes.

The hand under the quilt was clutching her skirt tightly, she couldn't sleep at all, her head was full of defense plans, and the bewitching face of King Lanling.

He won't peek, will he?
Certainly not.

He made such a swearing promise just now that he would never hurt her, how could he backtrack in an instant?


She has to trust Gao Changgong.

He said that when he was with her, he was not King Lanling, but Gao Changgong.

Thoughts were messy and chaotic, she was clearly held in the arms of the person behind her, only separated by two layers of thin single clothes, but she felt as if she was separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

Yan Huan clasped King Lanling's hand, clasping her fingers tightly, as if deliberately not to let him leave, she closed her eyes, and slowly fell into a dreamland extremely unsteadily.

King Lanling behind her couldn't sleep at all.

Why isn't his heart flustered, pained, or entangled?
For more than ten years, the only meaning of his life is to break through the Great Wall, go straight to the imperial court in Kyoto, and kill that dog emperor on the dragon chair!

This has been his goal for many years.

Now, he is only one step away from success.

Should he fail Hua Mulan, or his dead relatives?
King Lanling frowned, his eyes full of confusion.

With a warm and fragrant nephrite in her arms, she breathed slowly and evenly. She clasped her hands tightly as if relying on him, nestling in his arms, without a trace of defense or vigilance.

She gradually forgot that they were enemies to the death, just like King Lanling himself, he also forgot his purpose of approaching her in the first place.

Arming map...

He closed his eyes, seeing scenes of painful memories.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on his back, his fingertips trembled, finally he gritted his teeth, pulled out the hand that was tightly held by Yan Huan, and lightly lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

 good night~
  Finally got off the train! !
  The perfect trip to Chengdu is over~
(End of this chapter)

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