Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 444 Capture is the only focus of life

Chapter 444 Capture is the only focus of life (40)

[Supplementary December 12 rewards and updates]

Xuan Ce, who was slipped aside by keeping the promise, was still immersed in the joy of his sudden reunion with his master.

He looked up and forgot to keep his eyes on the strange face, and asked curiously, "Brother, what were Master and Sister Mulan doing just now?"

Keeping the promise was almost choked to death by the air!

He coughed violently twice, which startled Xuance a lot, and quickly stood on tiptoe to pat him on the back, but because he was too short, he couldn't pat him.

Shouyue looked slowly, and licked his lower lip in embarrassment, "That..."

He's really bad at lying.

Let alone lying to deceive Xuan Ce.

Shouyue paused for a while before leaning over and explaining gently, "They are kissing, what about kissing..."

His face was red, and he was a little inexplicably embarrassed, "Kissing is to express your liking to others, so you will kiss."

Xuan Ce nodded thoughtfully, and didn't ask any more questions.

Fortunately, he didn't ask any more questions.

If he asked some weird questions again, Shou Yue really didn't know how to explain it.

Yan Huan didn't leave the room until lunch time.

The people in the small team had already started, Xuan Ce obediently picked up the rice, kept the promise and silently picked vegetables for Xuan Ce, neither of them mentioned the morning thing again.

Very good very good.

Yan Huan breathed a sigh of relief, and just pretended that the matter dissipated with the wind, let it dissipate...

When lunch was over, Su Lie took the plate to the kitchen, Kai went to throw away the leftovers, Xuan Ce ran out to play in a hurry, kept his promise and leaned against the door frame to bask in the sun, while watching the noisy little figure of Xuan Ce.

After a while, Xuan Ce ran back in a panic.

He stood beside Shouyue's legs, smiling and beckoning him to bow his head.

The sun was shining brightly, reflecting Shouyue's loving and gentle eyes, he leaned over to get closer to Xuan Ce, and Xuan Ce tiptoed to kiss Shouyue's lips.

Oh my god, Yan Huan's heart is about to melt in this warm scene.

Shou Yue pursed his lips and frowned suddenly.

"Xuance, what did you"

Xuan Ce raised his face and smiled cutely, "Xuance just went out to play!"

going out to play?
What about his lips...

Shouyue squatted down, looked at him at the same level, and said with a strange expression, "You were with Kai just now?"

Xuan Ce stroked the little wolf's ears with an innocent expression, "Xuan Ce likes Brother Kai, and he kissed Brother Kai just now..."

Observance: Σ(°Д°;
No wonder Xuan Ce kissed him just now, it smelled like armor!
Keeping the promise turned dark instantly!

Xuan Ce kissed Kai, and then came to kiss him again? !

Thousands of grass and mud horses gallop past in the heart of keeping the promise...

And Kai, who came back after throwing away the leftovers, saw Shouyue's face was weird, and Yan Huan suppressed a smile, also inexplicable.

Xuan Ce tilted his head and smiled, the pointy little tiger teeth are cute and cute, "Xuance also likes Uncle Su Lie, before Xuan Ce kissed Brother Kai, he also kissed Uncle Su Lie!"

At this moment, Kai's face turned black instantly.

Yan Huan was expressionless on the outside.

Inside: Hahahahahahahahahaha

Kai raised his hand, wiped his lips vigorously with his fingertips a few times, his complexion was frosty, he turned around and went out of the room without looking back.

And keeping the promise...

He looked at Xuan Ce's pure and innocent face, full of depression, he had no choice but to feel depressed in his stomach, raised his hand to rub his head, and smiled fondly.

Tell him in the morning that kissing is to express liking, and he really remembers it in his heart.

But this liking is different from that liking.

Xuan Ce is still a child, so there is no need to explain so much to him, but he has to pay more attention when he comes to kiss him in the future.

Xuan Ce rubbed against his arms, and ran towards Yan Huan, "Xuan Ce also likes Sister Mulan, and Xuan Ce wants to kiss Sister Mulan too!"

Observance: Σ(°Д°;
Yan Huan: Σ(°Д°; Ni Zuokai!
 Thank you Bad Fu for rewarding 3776 book coins~

  Thanks to Shuangyueye for rewarding 99 book coins~

  【Thank you for your feed! !Pass cigarettes to the bosses who keep Mengmeng...]

  [There will be a chapter to add later~]

(End of this chapter)

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