Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 457 Capture is the only focus of life

Chapter 457 Capture is the only focus of life (57)

She had neglected such an important matter!
For so many days, she has been enjoying Kai's kindness to her with peace of mind.

The spoon was brought to her lips, and the white porridge was steaming, just right for her mouth.

Originally numb heart, heavy depression.

Yan Huan said, his voice hoarse and weak, "I'll do it myself, I don't need to trouble you."

As she spoke, she was about to reach out to take the porridge bowl, but was hid by Kai, his eyes were calm, which seemed to be the usual concern among friends.

"You are sick and have no strength, feeding the porridge is not a problem."


Although her voice was weak, her eyes were tightly locked on his face, "You don't have to be so nice to me, you don't have to be like this."

Kai raised his eyes, his face was cold, and his lower lip suddenly bent.

"You don't think I like you, that's why I treat you so well?"

His tone was relaxed and at ease, as if he heard a funny joke, the surprise in his eyes was real and obvious.

Yan Huan was stunned.

He suddenly said this, but it was obvious that she was too narcissistic.

But...Kai didn't show such consideration and concern to others, and the tenderness in his eyes...

She pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

Kai fed her a mouthful of porridge, and she swallowed it mechanically, blinking in embarrassment.

Kai explained unhurriedly, with a light tone, "I care about you because you saved me, and I care about you because I am grateful."


Is it really because of... gratitude?

She drank the porridge he fed slowly, and had to say, Kai said it was because of gratitude that she was so kind to her, and she was relieved.

Although she is disappointed and hates King Lanling now, but...she really likes King Lanling.

If Kai likes her, it will be a mirror image, and there will be no results, but it will make her feel guilty.

Yan Huan smiled awkwardly, "If you're grateful, you don't have to care about me so much, you deserve it."

Kai fed her the last bit of porridge, his brows and eyes were light, as if the tenderness he saw in his eyes before was just a momentary illusion.

"No matter how nice I am to you, I deserve it. My life is all yours."

He used his knuckles to wipe away the porridge stains from the corner of her mouth. It was obviously an intimate gesture, but it was done by him, but there was no ambiguity at all.

Life is hers.

She saved him back then because she had selfish motives.

Now that she cares about her so much, she is really ashamed, 1 ashamed.

The candle light crackled softly, Yan Huan came back to his senses and looked at the dark night outside the window, and then remembered what he was going to ask.

"How long have I slept?"

Kai returned the porridge bowl to the table, "You fell into a coma last night, and now it's the second night."

She felt that she only slept for a while, why is it the next day?

"The battle last night..."

The door was knocked twice.

Yan Huan instinctively grabbed the quilt and became nervous.

But if you think about it carefully, it can't be the King of Lanling.

Now that the Great Wall is so tightly guarded, he will never be able to get in. Besides, he has done such a thing, how can he have the face to come to her?
If it really came, that's really thick-skinned.

She sneered in her heart, but her eye circles were red.

It was fake from the beginning, but he pretended to be so real!

Those affectionate love words and vows, every night when I hugged and slept with him, and the kisses I reluctantly gave up in the morning, when I think about it now, it's like swallowing a piece of carrion, disgusting nausea!
Kai went to open the door, and there was a promise outside the door.

He came in with ginger soup and put it on the table, seeing that Yan Huan's face was still not looking well, he said a few words of concern.

When he finally went out, he winked at Kai.

 Thank you Su Qi. Reward 100 book coins~

  Thank you column for rewarding 399 book coins~

  Thank you Rainbow°I am a rainbow, where is the sun for rewarding 399 book coins~

  Thanks to the girl in the flower room. Reward 100 book coins~

  【The love for the little cuties is like a surging river, rushing, rushing, rushing...】

  【I will add more later~】

(End of this chapter)

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