Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 464 Capture is the only focus of life

Chapter 464 Capture is the only focus of life (64)

In his memory, why is there a defense map...

King Lanling's face turned pale!
Yan Huan's question made him speechless. He had explained over and over again in his heart, but now he was blocked in his heart and couldn't speak at all.

He did see the defense map, but in the end, he didn't have the heart to hurt her.


Yan Huan broke away his hand, turned around and sneered, "I don't know what to say next? Oh no, it should be, I don't know how to continue to lie to me?"

King Lanling was out of breath, he was eager to explain, "I have seen the deployment map, but I..."


Yan Huan interrupted him in a cold voice, she stared at the person in front of her, her tenderness in the past turned into heartbroken bitterness at this moment.

She was worried that night, for fear that he would peek at the defense map while she was asleep.

And the next day, seeing the original deployment map in the drawer, all doubts and worries disappeared.

It was also from that day on that she liked him unreservedly and trusted him.

What did King Kelanling give her in return? !

Betray her, use her, hurt her!
Still keep saying that he doesn't know? !
Anger was churning, angina was throbbing, the pain of nails digging into the palm was not comparable to the half-divided heartache.

"Do you dare to say that you approached me at the beginning without any purpose, just simply liking me?!"

Her eyes were piercing, her amber pupils were sharp and aggressive, but her tightly clenched hands couldn't stop shaking.

In front of her, King Lanling never lied.

"I admit that I approached you with a purpose at the beginning. I wanted to use you to get the defense map, but after getting along for a long time, I didn't expect that I really fell in love with you!"

I really like it, huh...

Do you still think I'm a fool?
Her voice had the nasal sound of crying, the disappointment after death, extremely indifferent, "I don't want to hear it anymore."

Don't want to hear any more of his lies.

"You go, there is nothing to say between us."

For not killing him this time, it is right to thank him for the good memories he gave himself.

Although it was false, at that time, she was really immersed in the false happiness he gave.

King Lanling also knew that without evidence, Hua Mulan would not believe any of his explanations.

The explanation will only get darker and darker, and the more the explanation becomes more confusing.

He let out a long sigh, his tone weak, but his promise was firm.

"Mulan, I will prove to you that everything I told you is true, and I have never lied to you!"

Yan Huan didn't look back.

King Lanling hugged her lightly from behind, kissed her long hair, tenderly and distressed, "Sorry, I failed to protect you well and caused you to be injured. In the future, I will double compensate you."

Yan Huan's heart suddenly ached.

That night of being calculated, the eager face of the man pressing on her body, the nausea, humiliation, despair, and pain of the cold hands touching her skin!
The unbelievable surprise when he learned that the Great Wall and Lou Lan were going to war, and then his heart was ashamed.

Too much pain was suppressed overnight, and she almost suffocated from the pain.

The person she loved the most stabbed a knife into her heart mercilessly.

Could it be that his simple explanation in a few words and false compensation in the future can make her forgive the injuries she has suffered?

King Lanling glanced at Yan Huan's stubborn back, reluctantly opened the window and left.

The cold wind outside was still passing by, making his heart numb and unconscious.

How can he convince Hua Mulan that he really didn't betray and hurt her?

 Thank you, please call me Ergouzi to reward 100 book coins~

  Thank you Feng Ruxing for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you, Yi Renshang for rewarding 99 book coins~

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  Thank you for the cute pet playing bubbles and rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Su Qi. Reward 100 book coins~

  【Frozen and shivering Mengmeng tremblingly embraces the cuties and kisses them...】

(End of this chapter)

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