Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 496 Missy arrives, get out of the way!

Chapter 496 Missy arrives, get out of the way! (26)

The wealthy local tyrant Liu Bei couldn't be more expensive, the picky couldn't be more picky, and the particular one couldn't be more particular. How could he eat such an ordinary supper as fried rice with eggs?
But in order to pick out Yan Huan's faults, he reluctantly ate a small bite.

"The rice is soft, the oil is heavy, the salt is too much, and..."

He hooked his lips and smiled provocatively, "Eggs are old too."

Yan Huan: Hehe.

Are the eggs too old?

Can you tell if the egg was laid seven days ago, or three days ago?
Yan Huan humbly accepts all the criticism, and smiles gently, "I'll find a hen tomorrow, and as soon as the egg is laid, I'll break it up and throw it into the pot, so I promise it won't grow old!"

Liu Bei:. . .

He darkened his face, full of disgust, "I'm old, it's because the eggs are overcooked."

Yan Huan:. . .

Liu Bei glanced at her again with distaste, but fortunately, after criticizing the fried rice, he couldn't think of anything to make things difficult for her.

Turning off the lights, it was dark, the sofa was soft and comfortable, Yan Huan was covered with a thin quilt, and couldn't fall asleep because of his active thoughts.

The Military Intelligence Department will not convict Liu Bei for no reason, wrong a good person, and let her assassinate him.

There must be solid evidence. Arms smuggling and drug trafficking can be confirmed by the Military Intelligence Department because there are either transaction records or evidence such as photos and videos.

First of all, it is necessary to find out who submitted these evidences to the headquarters.

Yan Huan is an agent who only takes on urgent and temporary missions, unlike Chu Weiran, who stays in a certain place, collects information for the Military Intelligence Department, or assists his companions to complete missions together.

By the way, Chu Weiran!

Chu Weiran has always stayed in City G, so could it be that he submitted these evidences to the headquarters?

Yan Huan frowned and turned over.

She wanted to ask Chu Weiran, but...

Chu Weiran thought she had been exposed, so he probably wouldn't tell her the truth.

Worry about people, really worry about people.

Yan Huan turned over again.

It's all Liu Bei's fault for beating him up like that at the time. If she knew she would be back so soon, she shouldn't have asked Liu Bei to go to Chu Weiran and send some news to the headquarters!

Otherwise, how can there be so many things behind?
Feeling irritable, Yan Huan couldn't sleep at all.

She wrapped herself in the quilt and turned over again. Liu Bei, who was not sleepy at first, was even less sleepy.

"You don't sleep yourself, and you don't want others to sleep?"

Yan Huan poked inwardly, was he so worried about your affairs that he couldn't sleep?

"Liu Bei, how did you see the news that Chu Weiran sent back to the headquarters? Hackers?"

Liu Bei hummed lightly.

Yan Huan regained his energy all of a sudden, "Hey, can you call out the news that Chu Weiran sent to the headquarters earlier?"

Liu Bei opened his eyes, glanced at the sofa, speechless, "Do you think it's that simple to transfer information from the Military Intelligence Department?"

The last time he sent people to watch Chu Weiran's movements, it was so difficult to watch the agents, his people watched Chu Weiran from a long distance, and in order to intercept the messages Chu Weiran sent to the headquarters, his hackers screened News for a whole block!
Now that he wants to check the news that Chu Weiran has sent to the headquarters, he must invade the information system of the Military Intelligence Department.

Just think about how difficult it is.

Seeing that he hadn't made a sound for a long time, Yan Huan felt helpless, "Forget it, then I'll think of another way."

Liu Bei snorted lightly, "Whatever you think about, that's all."

Yan Huan raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Didn't you say this is not easy?"

Liu Bei said contemptuously, "Just because it's not easy doesn't mean it can't be done. Haven't you heard a word? Money can turn ghosts around!"

 Thank you for having candy in my pocket for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thank you Meow Xiaoyu for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to BAD GIRL for rewarding 2786 book coins~

  Thank you Joe for rewarding 100 book coins~

  [Another day of being fostered~ hug the cuties and kiss~]

(End of this chapter)

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