Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 498 Missy arrives, get out of the way!

Chapter 498 Missy arrives, get out of the way! (28)

Liu Bei's assistants were very efficient. They first screened out all the transaction records of this year's metal goods shipments, and sent them over that afternoon.

When the folder was sent, Yan Huan's vision almost went dark!
More than 6000 transaction records? !

When should we see this? !

She was heartbroken and deeply regretted why she made this suggestion just now!

Dig a hole for yourself to jump!
Liu Bei pursed his lips, tapped the keyboard with his long fingers, and sent a folder to Yan Huan.

"You don't need to look at the transaction records of small pieces of metal. I like medium pieces of metal, and you look at large pieces of metal."

With such a division, there are only more than 5000 transaction records in Yan Huan's hands.

People in developed countries often do not do this kind of large-scale delivery of arms from abroad. From their own domestic underground black market, they can buy better guns and weapons than those in country C.

Then the developed countries such as country M and country Y are excluded.

In this way, there are only about a thousand transaction records left.

It's okay, okay, after screening, I finally saw that there were no more than 6000 scary entries just now.

She squinted at Liu Bei's computer screen, and kindly reminded, "Hey, developed countries can be excluded."

Liu Bei didn't even look at her, focusing on the transaction records on the screen, he said lightly, "I've ruled it out."

Yan Huan:? ? ?

"You are too embarrassing. I will tell you whenever I think of it. Why don't you tell me?"

Liu Bei glanced at her sideways, with an innocent face, and said arrogantly, "As an agent, if you can't even think of this, then you should spend more time on your stupidity."

Yan Huan was suffocated by his choked chest.

Liu Bei has not been beaten to death by others for so many years, God bless!

She snorted coldly, took a big sip of coffee, and looked at her computer screen.

At the beginning, she was really able to concentrate seriously, her eyes were fixed on the screen without blinking, and she would carefully check whether there was anything weird about the size, weight, quantity, destination, etc. of the items.

But it's been a long time...

After drinking three cups of coffee, he still couldn't resist the drowsiness. The words on the screen became more and more blurred. Yan Huan rubbed his temples uncomfortably, and shouted weakly, "No, no, no, I have to sleep on my stomach..."

I was going to throw up after reading, and I only read more than 100 articles.

This familiar feeling is like returning to the time when I was studying in school.

He is energetic in everything he does, but when he sees mathematics, he immediately falls asleep and falls asleep.

She was lying on the table, looking at Liu Bei pitifully, and Liu Bei's face was hot.

He covered up his embarrassing expression, looked down at her, and pursed his lips in disgust, "Sleep as long as you want, am I the kind of person who exploits and treats employees harshly?"

Yan Huan: Really!Just a narrow-minded Boss!

She complained in her heart, but she didn't say anything, she obediently lay down on the table and closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Liu Bei is still browsing through the records. He is a businessman, and he has been dealing with such things for a long time, and he no longer feels boring.

He read another thirty or forty articles, and the woman beside him was still sleeping soundly.

Yan Huan fell asleep with a pillow on her arm, a few strands of long curly hair hung on the side of her face, making her skin more radiant and tender, her cheeks were blushing because of the deep sleep, her long eyelashes curled up, her lips were rosy, she probably fell asleep Uncomfortable, pouted slightly.

Liu Bei himself didn't realize that he watched Yan Huan's face for 10 minutes.

[Strategy character favorability +10, current total favorability: 10]

 Thank you PAON for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for the cute monster who does not fall into the city for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for the cute pet playing bubbles and rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Hold my little cuties to keep warm~~】


  Hahahaha Liu Bei is about to fall, the young master Tsundere is about to become a wife and slave...

(End of this chapter)

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