Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 506 Missy arrives, get out of the way!

Chapter 506 Missy arrives, get out of the way! (36)

Yan Huan's stern face was serious, and his eyes were shining with determination, which made Liu Bei's heart ache.

He squeezed Yan Huan's hand vigorously, frowned, and roared in a low voice with an undeniably domineering tone!

"If the situation is not right, everyone is doomed to die. If you don't run away, you will just have one more dead body!"

Yan Huan still stiffened his neck, staring at him stubbornly, "Everyone is not afraid of death, how could I be afraid of death?!"

At this moment, Liu Bei had no intention of arguing with her at all. He slammed Yan Huan hard on the head, anxious and angry, "Do you want to die with me? Get out!"

Yan Huan's eyes were reddened by his words.

mmp, if I wasn't afraid of your death, do you think I want to stay here and feel the baptism of this hail of bullets?
There were constant gunshots outside, and the muffled sound of someone falling to the ground from time to time. Yan Huan had no time to feel wronged and angry. She listened to the position of the rifle gunshots, flashed out from behind the container and fired two shots quickly!
Immediately after, there was the sound of falling to the ground, she pursed her lips, her expression was cold and stern, her light green pupils were like wolves, revealing a cold and ruthless expression.

Liu Bei actually had a strange emotion in his heart.

[Strategy character favorability +10, current total favorability: 20]

Yan Huan didn't have time to worry about the system notification sound, all her attention was on the battle outside, there was very light footsteps approaching, and before the man had time to walk in, Yan Huan directly shot his head with a pistol.

In the Military Intelligence Department, she has been training for half a year in this kind of training in listening to the sound and distinguishing positions.

In the current situation, everyone on the opposite side had a rifle, and on their side, only the armed police had rifles. The pistols in her and Liu Bei's hands didn't have many bullets in total.

At this time, they should be more wretched, and if they can help solve some problems, they should help solve some problems.

Yan Huan hooked the rifle of the man whose head was shot with his foot, and threw it directly to Liu Bei, "Take it for self-protection, shoot anyone you see, you know?"

With an insulted expression, Liu Bei rolled her eyes, picked up the rifle, and pulled the trigger with style.

Their position was covered by stacked containers, and the people on the opposite side didn't know how many people were behind the pile of containers, and they didn't rush towards them rashly.

From time to time, Yan Huan flashed out and fired two shots. She judged the position accurately, and there were almost no empty shots. They all hit people, and nine out of ten were headshots.

At this time, Yan Huan was serious and domineering, fierce and cold-blooded, her tightly pursed lips were cold and indifferent, her brows were lightly twisted, and she was even more chilling and cold. Ants are generally small.

He thought he could protect Sun Shangxiang, but he didn't expect that such a slender woman who needed care like a flower in a greenhouse was actually protecting him.

Liu Bei had so many bodyguards before, but never at a moment like this, being protected, he felt a strange feeling in his became more and more turbulent.

[Strategy character favorability +10, current total favorability: 30]

The system notification sound that popped up again interrupted Yan Huan's concentration, and she glanced at Liu Bei strangely.

Is this person not nervous or afraid?

Why is the favorability soaring at this time?

When she glanced at her, Liu Bei's heart beat a little faster, and he blushed.

His attention was all on Yan Huan, and he didn't even notice that in an inconspicuous corner behind the cargo ship, a gun was aimed at his back.

 Thank you for the cute monster who does not fall into the city for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for my second-hand male ticket for rewarding 1888 book coins~

  Thanks to the goblin with sugar for rewarding 198 book coins~

  Thank you Beiqing for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you_Yaoyao Jinzhao for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you Fengchen Yeshengxiao for rewarding 200 book coins~

  【Hold the little cuties~ Good night~~】

  [Some authors ask readers to give rewards every day. If you don’t give rewards, you will still lose your temper. I am speechless. Whether readers give you rewards or not is voluntary. What kind of trouble is forced threat?I really take myself seriously... why are there so few people who have three upright views?]

(End of this chapter)

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