Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 514 Missy arrives, get out of the way!

Chapter 514 Missy arrives, get out of the way! (44)

But these are just his guesses.

After all, Sun Shangxiang is from the Military Intelligence Department.

She must know more about the Military Intelligence Department than herself. Since she is willing to believe it, he has nothing to refute.

Liu Bei handed her the hot water, without making a draft in his mind, turned around and opened the door of the ward.

Although he is in a mess, he is still elegant and dignified, and his demeanor is the same as Liu Bei who is in the business world and guides the world.

"Sorry, my girlfriend is injured, please move over to interview, don't disturb her rest."

He nodded politely to everyone, and led them to the end of the corridor far away from the ward.

"Mr. Liu, what happened between you and Ms. Sun? According to people familiar with the situation, Ms. Sun was seriously injured, is that so?"

"Mr. Liu, may I ask why you didn't bring bodyguards this time?"

"Mr. Liu, is it convenient to reveal what gangsters you met?"

Liu Bei took one of the microphones and replied one by one very patiently.

He unhurriedly talked about the whole process of today, and finally bowed and apologized solemnly to the camera.

"I'm sorry, because of my management negligence, the staff of Liu's company actually did such a thing that endangered the country and society. I deeply blame myself and will definitely strengthen management in the future. I also invite people from all walks of life to actively supervise and report .”

The sincere apology he said, and the 90-degree bow, can be said to be unprecedented.

Such a proud and noble person is willing to bow his head, bend his waist, and solemnly apologize.

"My girlfriend is injured and still waiting for me to take care of her. I'm sorry, but I'll leave first."

He smiled and left with a polite indifference.

The news will come out tonight, and it is best for him and Sun Shangxiang to leave the hospital as soon as possible.

He was still worried about the group of people in the Military Intelligence Department, there was no harm in being vigilant.

Sun Shangxiang was shot twice, although it was not serious, it was enough to make him feel sorry, if something happened to her...

Liu Bei didn't even dare to think about it.


Liu Bei has a house in S City, but he basically never lived in it.

Not only does he have a mental cleanliness addiction, but he also has a serious cleanliness addiction in terms of food, housing and transportation.

Basically, wherever there is a branch of Liu's enterprise, there is a flat for Liu Bei. Although he doesn't live there, he will hire someone to clean it regularly.

Because he is obsessed with cleanliness, he occasionally goes to various branches to inspect. He is not used to living in hotels, and he only lives in his own house.

A few days ago, he and Sun Shangxiang lived in a hotel in S City in order not to expose their identities, not a presidential suite, but a standard room. He didn't sleep well those nights!

As soon as I lay on the bed, I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable all over my body, as if there were ants crawling on my body!
The moment he stepped into his house now, Liu Bei felt that his whole being was reborn.

He carried Yan Huan into the master bedroom, and placed her gently on the door of the bathroom as if placing a fragile object.

"You sleep with me tonight. It's not convenient for you to move around. If you need anything at night, I can help you."

Yan Huan:? ? ?

"Go in and take a shower first, and be careful not to touch the wound."

Yan Huan:. . .

She likes Liu Bei a little bit now, and sleeping with him always feels a little...embarrassed.

And she was taking a shower, why didn't this guy just leave at the door?

The strange disgust in her eyes made Liu Bei raise his eyebrows, looking like a gentleman.

"Don't worry, I'll stand at the door. If you fall, I'll help you up."

Seeing that Yan Huan was still suspicious, he added, "I have used your body before, just like my own body, would I have plans for my own body?"

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  Thank you Fengchen Yeshengxiao for rewarding 199 book coins~

  【Good night love you guys~ goodnight kiss~】

(End of this chapter)

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