Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 524 Missy arrives, get out of the way!

Chapter 524 Missy arrives, get out of the way! (57)

[Add more updates for the first time i (dujiu tired of trouble) ~]

Embarrassed on the face and embarrassing in the heart, but the body search is still necessary. At this time, nothing is more important than the lives of her and Liu Bei.

Two bodyguards went over to search Xu Ming's body, but nothing was found.

Yan Huan nodded, and Xu Ming approached.

She suddenly thought of something, quickly took two steps back, her eyes were stern.

"Director, the chip implanted in the back of our neck, what function did you say it had?"

Xu Ming frowned and thought about it carefully, and there was nothing unusual on his expression.

"The chip can detect your heartbeat, and when the heartbeat is weak, it will alert the headquarters to alert the agent that his life is in danger."

Exactly the same as I said before.

Yan Huan pursed his lips, his eyes were sharp and inquisitive, "Is there no other function?"

Xu Ming raised his eyebrows in doubt, "What? What other functions are there?"

On his face, doubts and surprises were real, and there was no flaw at all.

Yan Huan shook her head and said nothing, although she walked with Xu Ming, she and Liu Bei walked closer.

"This is a military hospital. It's not easy to control the patients here. They must have planned early and prepared. We have to be careful."

Xu Ming reminded that he walked ahead, as if he wanted to resist all unknown dangers first.

Yan Huan and Liu Bei walked behind him, Xu Ming took the initiative to show his ID, talked to the nurse at the front desk, and then nodded to Yan Huan and the others.

There was nothing unusual in the lobby on the first floor of the hospital.

Wu Tingsong's ward is on the sixth floor, and he has to take the elevator to go up.

Xu Ming kept walking in front of them, showing his back to them unsuspectingly.

The first thing Yan Huan learned in the Military Intelligence Department is, never show your back to anyone, even friends.

Who knows whether the person behind you is protecting you or stabbing you?
As an agent, it is most taboo to trust others easily.

And Xu Ming, as the chief of the military intelligence department, is thoughtful and deep in the city. He is considered to be a scheming man. If he showed her his back, did he really trust her?

He turned around and walked through the corridor. The elevator was in the middle of the corridor, and the red electronic numbers were slowly descending.

Yan Huan accidentally caught a glimpse of an inconspicuous dark red K letter under the side of his windbreaker.


Her eyes lit up!
Heart K? !
There are hidden missions, grab the king of hearts!

Heart K should be a bad person, and in this plane, the biggest bad person is the person who assassinated them in the Military Intelligence Department.

Yan Huan held back his shock and asked casually, "Speaking of which, I have been with the director for two years, and I don't even know what the director's code name is?"

They are subordinates, and Xu Ming is the boss.

Subordinates are not qualified to know the code names of their superiors.

Xu Ming glanced at her, slightly pursed his lips, and didn't want to hide it, so he said it directly.

"My code name is Heart K."

The strings in Yan Huan's head tensed instantly!
Heart K? !
Is Xu Ming really a king of hearts? !
He's the one who's been trying to assassinate them all along? !


The elevator reached the first floor, and the elevator doors opened.

Xu Ming stepped forward and stepped into the elevator, turned around and saw that Liu Bei and Yan Huan were still standing still, he walked out again.


Yan Huan touched his waist, where there was a pistol.

Liu Bei gave it to her in the car, only this one.

Yan Huan's hands trembled uncontrollably.

She never thought that Heart K would be the director she had always respected and admired!
This man, even pretending to be kind, wants to help them!

Just thinking about it made her scalp go numb, cold air rose from the soles of her feet, and she couldn't even breathe steadily!

 Good night everyone~

(End of this chapter)

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