Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 527 Missy arrives, get out of the way!

Chapter 527 Missy arrives, get out of the way! (60)

With Xu Ming's current state, this perverted and crazy thing can indeed be done!

Yan Huan's face was indifferent and unmoved, but she was anxious in her heart. She held the gun tightly, wishing she could kill this psychopath with one shot!

What a respected teacher, what admirable boss, what role model is worth learning, bah!
Xu Ming is a psychopath!

Yan Huan gritted his teeth, the little nurse was sweating profusely from fright, and the syringe held in the palm of Xu Ming's hand was also trembling with excitement.

The hostages and the patients on the sixth floor are all innocent.

If she really died because of Liu Bei, both she and Liu Bei would be guilty for the rest of their lives.

The nerves in her brain were highly tense, and she vetoed every thought one by one. Although the time was tormenting, it passed quickly.

Xu Ming pursed his lips, stared at the muzzle of Yan Huan's pistol, and smiled strangely, "5 minutes is up."

The death clock seems to have stopped at this moment.

"and many more!"

Liu Bei finally spoke.

He glanced at Yan Huan lightly, his eyes were eager and longing, she could understand what he wanted to express.

During the exchange of hostages, Sun Shangxiang had time to shoot Xu Ming.

Although there is not much time, with Xu Ming's cunning character, Sun Shangxiang may not be able to find a chance to shoot, but he is still willing to let her try.

Because he really couldn't watch these innocent people being killed because of him.

Although Yan Huan understood what Liu Bei meant, she didn't want Liu Bei to take risks.

Xu Ming is a pervert!
He has a deep city and a shrewd mind. What if he didn't find a chance to shoot?
If Liu Bei passes by, he will surely die!
Xu Ming glanced at the eyes between the two of them, and curled his lips in mockery.

"Don't think about it, how could I let you find a chance to shoot? Do you think that I, the chief of the military intelligence department, have been working for nothing these past few years?"

Yan Huan choked.

Xu Ming was secretly proud of himself, he knew that Liu Bei would not be able to see death without saving him.

He looked at Liu Bei, and the moment his eyes turned away, Yan Huan immediately pulled the trigger, but fired a shot down, hitting the nurse's left leg!

Sudden severe pain in the leg, the nurse instinctively knelt down, and Xu Ming's right shoulder was completely exposed!
He quickly picked up the nurse, but was still a beat behind. Yan Huan pointed the gun at Xu Ming's right shoulder, and shot him accurately!

The gunshots echoed in the corridor, the right shoulder was hit with severe pain, the right hand was weak, the syringe slipped and fell to the ground, the nurse broke free from his confinement, and ran away dragging his injured leg.

Xu Ming grabbed the needle on the ground with his left hand, and still did not give up on stabbing towards Liu Bei, but Yan Huan hit his left hand directly!

This can be regarded as completely crippling his fighting power.

"Heh, heh, Sun Shangxiang..."

Xu Ming stared at her, his eyes were tearing apart, his eyes were scarlet, he raised his lips and chuckled twice, the laughter became louder and louder, like crazy.

"You are really a good student I taught, really, I really didn't expect..."

He sprawled on the marble floor and shook his head.

"I made a mistake. I shouldn't have sent you to assassinate Liu Bei. You shouldn't...otherwise, he would have died long ago..."

Xu Ming just lay on the ground like this, his eyes were blank, his mind was in a trance, and he repeated over and over again, "Sun Shangxiang, I really didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it..."

Liu Bei squatted down and looked at Xu Ming, who was muttering to himself and in a trance, with indifferent eyes and no emotion in his tone.

"After Ding Wei committed suicide, I learned about his family situation and knew that you had excellent grades. I anonymously sponsored you to finish college."

 Thank you Jiaxin Candy for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank Xue Kaixi for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Su Qi. Reward 100 book coins~

  [Daily being crazily fed by the cuties (1/1), hugging and kissing you crazily~]

(End of this chapter)

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