Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 533 Missy arrives, get out of the way!

Chapter 533 Missy arrives, get out of the way! (66)

With such a touching confession, Yan Huan of course agreed to his confession.

In fact, they are already boyfriend and girlfriend, and I don't know why Liu Bei made such an extra plot.

Next, he asked Yan Huan to attend the engagement banquet with eyes full of anticipation, Yan Huan couldn't refuse, so he agreed.

Why don't you just have a meal, nothing...

When she got engaged, she didn't say when she would get married. Anyway, Liu Bei also said that she would not urge her to get married again.

She can be free for as long as she wants.

The brown sugar who sticks to herself every day, wishing to propose ten or eight times a day, suddenly enlightened and let her go free...

The beautiful life came too suddenly, Yan Huan felt like he was dreaming.

An engagement dinner is scheduled for "Extradition" a week later.

This time, Liu Bei invited most of the prominent figures in country C, including business circles, entertainment circles, media, and even leaders of state agencies.

During the banquet, toasts were mixed, and the venue was filled with the mellow smell of red wine and the smell of food. The men socialized, and Yan Huan silently ate small desserts, acting as the crowd.

Although this banquet, she is the protagonist.

Liu Bei knew that she didn't like this kind of occasion, but he wanted to announce to everyone that Sun Shangxiang was his woman.

It's like a child who gets a precious toy, it's so precious, and wants to show it off to everyone else, but you can't touch it, you can't touch it, and he won't be happy if you look at it a few times.

Liu Bei is in a good mood today, it is rare that his face is full of spring breeze, and he is approachable. The people who came to toast said a few words of long-lasting love, happiness and sweetness. He happily clinked glasses with others and drank half a glass of red wine.

Yan Huan looked at him like a fool.

In the end, I couldn't stand it any longer, so I went to find him.

This man's eyes were stained with drunkenness, and his speech was full of alcohol, but he still wanted to drink.

Yan Huan tugged at his sleeve, "Stop drinking, you've drunk too much."

He turned around, kissed her face without hesitation, put the wine glass back on the tray, and apologized to the toaster.

"Sorry, my wife is strict."

The man's face froze, he glanced at Yan Huan in disbelief, then at Liu Bei, said a few words with an apologetic smile, and left in shock as if his three views had been refreshed.

Will Liu Bei be a strict wife?
It's true that no one will believe it!

Liu Bei hugged her waist, his eyes were a little blurred, and he rubbed her long hair affectionately, "How about we go back? It's too noisy here, I want to be alone with you."

Yan Huan really wanted to leave, but...

"But there are still so many people here who haven't left..."

Liu Bei waved to the head of the public relations department in the corner, and he immediately walked over quickly.

Yan Huan:. . .

It feels like the head of the public relations department is like an old woman who has to take care of everything.

"I leave it to you to deal with here. Xiangxiang and I will leave first."

The boss of his own cold noodle is now taking a bite of the intimate Xiangxiang, Xiangxiang, and the Minister feels a chill.

"Boss, go slowly, we will take care of it here."

Liu Bei held Yan Huan's waist, and was escorted by the security guards all the way into the car.

Breaking away from the noisy environment, Yan Huan heaved a sigh of relief.

She doesn't like that kind of smoky feeling, and she won't pretend to be close, feeling that she doesn't fit in with the group of people inside.

Liu Bei buried his head next to her neck, biting lightly, "I've drunk too much, I need to sober up."

Yan Huan raised his eyebrows and slapped his hands, "Come on, let me sober you up?"

Liu Bei grabbed her hand, put it to his lips to hold a finger, and licked it ambiguously.

Yan Huan's face turned red!

"Are you crazy about drinking? Go away!"

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(End of this chapter)

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