Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 535 Shuanglan Easter Egg

Chapter 535 Shuanglan Easter Egg (1)

Lord Lou Lan was killed by Gao Changgong. After recovering from his wounds, he took the initiative to submit to Yutang Kingdom as the son of the previous monarch, taking Lou Lan's imperial seal.

Gao Changgong understands that as a monarch, the most important thing is to let the people live and work in peace and contentment, not for the sake of power.

His father has always upheld this belief, and he should also take it as his own responsibility.

After Lou Lan surrendered, the monarch of Yutang Kingdom appointed Gao Changgong as the county king of Lou Lanzhou County. He didn't have any real power, but it was just a name.

Gao Changgong is originally a laid-back temperament, and the idle king of the county is also suitable for him.

After losing the enemy Lou Lan, the Great Wall Guards were much more relaxed.

The Great Wall at this time.

At the gate of the city, with her stomach straight, a woman in regular clothes quickly got on her horse and drove off with a livid face.

The three men standing at the gate of the city looked at each other.

Kai shook his head, looking helpless.

Su Lie leaned against the city wall and clicked his tongue twice, "A pregnant woman is really scary."

Keeping the promise and being unable to support the forehead, "The pregnant Mulan is even more terrifying."

Little Xuance stood beside Shou Yue, silently shrinking his neck.

Master, I really didn't mean to say a leaky QAQ
Everyone collectively mourned for Gao Changgong for three seconds, and went back to the barracks silently, doing what they should do.

Cuihonglou in a nearby town.

Yan Huan rolled over and dismounted expressionlessly, looked up at the signboard that smelled of women's makeup, and twitched the corner of his mouth with a half-smile.

Cuihonglou, right?

Yes, Gao Changgong, you are more and more leisurely, how dare you come to drink flower wine with others? !

Promising, right? Going to heaven, right?
Her angry, livid expression scared the gorgeous girl at the door, so she didn't dare to speak!

The murderous aura on this woman is too heavy!

very scary!
Yan Huan stepped into the Cuihong Building, the girl at the door stretched out an arm tremblingly, and stopped her.

"Sorry lady, we...women can't enter..."

The girl whispered, her little heart trembling, Yan Huan curled her lips and smiled coldly, "Then treat me like a man."

She pushed away the girl's arm, strode in, and scanned the lobby. There was no Gao Changgong here.

That's right, he is the king of the county, even if he drank flower wine, he would find a private room, why would he drink it in the lobby?

The little volcano in his heart was billowing more and more, and the flames burst out!

Her whole body is filled with the evil spirit that no one should approach her, and she has a sword on her back. Anyone who sees her will be scared and will automatically stay three feet away from her. No one dares to stop her!
She thumped up to the second floor, where there were individual private rooms, and several Yingyingyanyans surrounded the door of one of the private rooms.

Yan Huan approached silently and overheard a few words.

"I heard that his first wife is the captain of the Great Wall Guards, tsk tsk tsk, a woman who hangs out with a group of big men all day long, what is it if she's not a big-hearted man?"

"It's really hard for the county king. It must be that ugly man who forced the county king to marry her!"

"I am young and beautiful, and I have a charming figure. I will go in and the county king will meet me in a while, and he will definitely like me."

The more Yan Huan listened, the darker his face became.

tomboy?ugly?Forced to marry her?
At the beginning, it was Gao Changgong who handed several letters to the monarch of Yutang Kingdom, begging the monarch to marry Hua Mulan to him!
Yan Huan's breathing fluctuated rapidly, wishing he could just take out his light sword and chop off Gao Changgong's dick!

Yan Huan pushed aside Yingying Yanyan who was in front of her, and kicked open the door of the private room!
"Gao Changgong!!!"

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  Thank you Fengchen Yeshengxiao for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Stuck you in my little quilt and watch the Spring Festival Gala together~】


  Collective silence for Gao Changgong ahead
(End of this chapter)

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