Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 539 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 539 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (2)

And the character of this raid is Wuling Immortal.

Yan Huan has ten thousand mmp words in his heart that he not only wants to say, but also wants to put on the system's face!

It's fine if you don't want to be a little fairy for me, but it's also good for me to be a fairy who serves Wuling Xianjun!

God knows that this broom star can only stay at Nantianmen and sweep the floor!

There is no need for her to clean other palaces, because Xian'e in this palace can clean it with magic power!

Is she going to stay in this shitty Nantianmen forever, holding her broom and dying alone?
She is a broom star, what kind of Wuling Immortal Monarch has such a flamboyant face!

If Wuling Xianjun really likes her as a broom star, then this Wuling Xianjun's taste is quite unique!
[Player, the mission on this plane is counter-raider]

Yan Huan squatted at the gate of Nantianmen with a broom, still lacking interest.

So what if it's a counter-attack?
She can't even meet Wuling Xianjun here, so is it possible that she wants to yy to the few words described by the system and set her true love value for him to 100?

Then her taste is quite unique.

The system kindly comforted her.

[Don't be discouraged, this plane is not as difficult as you think]

Yan Huan: Hehe.

In this hypocrisy, why didn't you just pick me a good role at the beginning? !

What the hell is the broom star, your uncle's!
The player's anger value is too high now, and the system does not dare to speak in silence.

A descendant like her can only stay in Nantianmen to sweep the floor, and Nantianmen will not have immortals coming in and out all year round, which means that she is dependent on the two dragons on the pillar.

Miserable, pathetic, desolate.

She is as beautiful as a flower, a young girl in her youth, what sin did she do to bind such a broken system?
Yan Huan took the broom and let out a long sigh.

"Little broom, why are you sighing?"

It's the red dragon on the pillar on the left, talking to her.

Yan Huan hugged the broom sullenly, "Stay here every day, I'm bored."

Zuo Chilong also sighed.

"You're okay, you can still walk around. I've been entrenched on the pillar all year round, and I don't even know what it feels like to move around."

Yan Huan then let out a long sigh.

How to do?
Stay here, there is no future, no way out...

You Chilong comforted him, "Little broom, don't be unhappy, let me tell you something interesting."

Fun thing?Now only when Wuling Xianjun came to tease her, would she find it fun.

"Did you know? Immortal Wuling has descended to earth."

Yan Huan raised his drooping head in embarrassment, interested!

"Going down to earth? Why did he go down to earth?"

You Chilong went on to say, "How can we guess what the fairy is thinking?"

Wuling Xianjun is the dream lover of most young fairies in the fairy world.

But this fairy, since the last battle between immortals and demons, his whole temperament has changed drastically. He locked himself in the Yanling Palace and rarely came out.

Not seeing the lover of their dreams, most of the women in the fairy world fell into lovesickness.

Now that I heard that the Wuling Immortal is going down to earth, everyone wants to go down to earth in their dreams. It is best to hook up with the Wuling Immortal!
But when descending to the mortal world, there are rules in the sky. Except for the emperor, the queen, and the Shangxian, other immortal families will be demoted to the mortal world only if they are removed from the immortal status.

You Chilong smiled and said, "The most interesting thing is that Emperor Ji Lingyue wanted to go down to earth in private, but was discovered by the emperor of heaven, who kicked her down from the earth, but turned her into a man!"

Yan Huan:. . .

Is this Heavenly Emperor my own father? !
Going down to earth and becoming a man, do you want to have sex with Wuling Xianjun?
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  Thanks to Beimu Beisheng for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to the girl in the flower room. Reward 588 book coins~

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  Thank you Han Yunchen for rewarding 100 book coins~

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  Thank you Gu Youqi for rewarding 99 book coins~

  【Happy New Year! ! !On the first day of the new year, a certain dream who was raised and fed by everyone would like to wish everyone a happy new year! ! ! 】

  Thanks to my confidant g10000 book coin award! ! !

  Congratulations to [confidant g] cutie for becoming the fifth hall master of this book! ! !

  Stuffed into Mengmeng's little padded jacket~
  [Today I will add an update for my confidant~]

(End of this chapter)

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