Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 541 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 541 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (4)

Because this silly broom is still swooping, and it is about to hit the flower tree in front of it!

"Hey, turn, turn!"

The broom was unmoved, and rushed forward in a daze!
I rely on? !
A deaf broom? !

Aren't you a magic weapon, brother dei? !
Getting closer and closer to the flower tree, Yan Huan hugged her head happily.

Just hit it, anyway, she is a fairy, so she can't die, but her face can't be scratched by a branch!


Dazzling, dizzy!
The broom fell to the ground with a bang, and Yan Huan fell to the ground with a bang.

The trees were full of flowers, falling like rain like waterfalls, and the layers of pink petals on the ground were gorgeous and magnificent. The rich sweet fragrance made Yan Huan even more dizzy, and he got up from the ground belatedly, slowly Tun Tun patted the petals on his body.

No pain, just dizziness...

The petal juice reflected on her skirt and cuffs, and the white dress looked a little embarrassed.

Yan Huan angrily kicked the broom on the ground.

Fake and shoddy magic weapon!
The flowering tree in front of me is very thick, and it is estimated that several people can barely hug the tree. The dense and knotted branches are intertwined, and the pink peach blossoms are blooming vigorously.

She raised her hand and touched the rough dark brown bark, secretly stunned, "How many years must such a thick peach tree have grown?"

A sudden reply came from behind the tree, "This year is exactly 1 years old."

Yan Huan was taken aback!
She took two steps back, looked at the huge peach tree in front of her, and cautiously asked, "Are you a peach tree?"


The man's voice was like broken jade hitting ice, or running water hitting stone, gentle and clear, but also seemed a little cold.

It turned out that this is a male peach tree.

Then what she just bumped into was the body of the male peach tree?

Yan Huan:. . .

She apologized politely, "I'm sorry, I, my broom is a little out of control, just bumped into you, didn't it hurt you?"

Taoshu didn't answer.

Yan Huan thought he was angry, and praised with a busy smile.

"I see that you are very luxuriant, with colorful peach blossoms, more beautiful than the clouds in the sky."

The man was not very happy when he heard the compliment, his voice was still faint and ethereal, implying sentimentality.

"There is no one to ask about the peach blossoms, what can I do if the flowers are burning."

This ancient word that is full of words is full of joy and mist.

"That... I just happened to pass by. I have other things to do. I'll come and see you when I'm free."

Yan Huan picked up the broom and was about to leave when he suddenly thought of something.

"Hey, where is this place?"

Ask for an address, so I can find him later.

After all, this is the first person I've met since I came down to earth.

Oh no, not a person, he is probably a peach tree fairy.

"Here, Wuling Taohuayuan."

Yan Huan nodded, before turning around, a person came out from behind the thick tree.

The man was wearing a silver and white inlaid red robe, with a loose silver and white peach-patterned belt around his waist. He was barefoot, but he was not in the slightest slovenly mess.

When he got closer, Yan Huan could see his face clearly.

The first word that popped up in my mind was, the country and the city.

The facial features are exquisite, the peach blossom eyes hanging from the top, all kinds of tenderness, the thin lips are like peach petals, and the pink is alluring, it is really indistinguishable from male and female.

But it doesn't give people the feeling of being romantic, but looking at it from a distance, unapproachable indifference.

Yan Huan stood there in a daze, "Are you...the Peach Demon?"

The man nodded and smiled gently, like a spring breeze blowing through Yan Huan's heart, her face suddenly turned red.

"Yes, I am Taoyao."

 Thank you for your willingness. Reward 1176 book coins~

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  Thanks to Beimu Beisheng for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for rewarding 899 book coins~

  Thanks to Gloomy for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you for killing Bai Yan ゞ Mo Cheng for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to the girl in the flower room. Reward 700 book coins~

  Thank Xue Kaixi for rewarding 300 book coins~

  Thanks to opple for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Xuansu soda for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for being cool before you were born and rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Jiu Qianqiu for rewarding 200 book coins~

  [I can’t write anymore, thanks to QAQ for the rewards of Bubble and Chuxi for the next chapter]

  【Hold everyone for a while~】

  [The system has been convulsed in the past two days, and everyone’s rewards may be swallowed] [An anti-swallowing measure developed by a dream: ① When tipping, first test the water with the lowest tip ② If you succeed in the test, you can continue to tip if you don’t get swallowed ③ The first A reward was swallowed, silently took back the small wallet and took out a machete to slash the system a few times]

(End of this chapter)

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