Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 544 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 544 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (7)

[Add more for the first time~]

"Wuling Immortal."

The four light words fell into Yan Huan's ears at this time, like four thunderclaps!

She was still thinking, is it some Shangxian who secretly descended to the earth, who knows, it is actually the Wuling Immortal Lord she was looking for? !
That's right, this appearance is indeed as the information given by the system.

Overwhelming country...

It's really... really... indescribable fantasy!
Her attitude was so bad just now!

It's over, it's over, Immortal Wuling must have given her a bad review!
system:. . .

The player probably attacked the hero in the previous plane, and suffered from neurasthenia and severe psychological shadow.

[Player, this plane is the counter-attack plane]

The system can't help reminding again.

Anti-raiders, what are you still worried about?
Anyway, it's not you who teased the Raiders to get the true love value of 100.

Yan Huan:. . .

Habitual cowardice, this problem probably cannot be changed.

Zhuge Liang pursed his lips, Yan Huan didn't have the nerve to look at him at all.

"Is it because my immortal energy is not well hidden?"

Yan Huan couldn't help laughing like a dog.

"Of course, you are a Shangshangxian, and the immortal energy coming from you is too strong."

Zhuge Liang's lips were even more curved, and his eyes were like peach blossoms, which made people's hearts flutter.

The gloom and sadness around him seemed to clear up at this moment.

Yan Huan suddenly thought of an extremely important point!
Wuling Immortal is an upper immortal, he can descend to the mortal world at will, but she is an inferior immortal!

She cannot descend to earth!

This embarrassing encounter, if Wuling Xianjun returned to Tiangong and said...

Then wouldn't she want to feel Tianlei's favor? !
"That... Lord Xianjun, this is me, this is..."

Zhuge Liang understood, "I have never met a broom star in the mortal world, what I met was Bai Qingyan."

Yan Huan: My god, little brother Xianjun is [-] meters tall in my heart today!

Seeing Yan Huan jumping for joy, his heart softened a little.

"Did you treat me as a bad guy just now?"

Zhuge Liang walked side by side with her, with a gentle voice, giving people the softness and warmth of a spring breeze.

"Xiaoxian has never been to the mortal world, so...he will be a little wary of strangers, Xiaoxian doesn't know that you are Lord Xianjun..."

Her words were trembling, like a servant following behind her master.

Zhuge Liang stopped in his tracks, his eyes flashed with distress, and his fingertips dug into the palm of his hand. The pain made him suppress the impulse in his heart.

His tone was as usual, "We are all in the mortal world, so you don't need to be called Xianjun Xianjun, just call me Taoyao."

Compared with the three characters Zhuge Liang, he prefers the name Taoyao.

For him, it's more than just a simple name.

Yan Huan was a little flattered.

The majestic Wuling Immortal, she is a little broom star, how can she have the nerve to call her by her first name?
Zhuge Liang continued, "Then you to Qingyan?"

Yan Huan's little heart skipped a beat.

Boss, you can call me whatever you want, let alone Qingyan, you call me Sweeping, Baba, Qingqing, Yanyan, I will not have the slightest opinion...

She swallowed, and agreed weakly, "Yes..."

Zhuge Liang pursed his lips, she lowered her head, unable to see the tenderness in his eyes.

"By the way, you just said that you are here to find someone?"

Yan Huan:. . .

She laughed dryly, and shook her head indifferently, "If you don't look for it, that person... let him go, I don't care."

She added another sentence, "My lord Xianjun is going down to earth, since I am also in the mortal world, I will definitely accompany you around to protect my lord Xianjun's safety."

Zhuge Liang raised his hand to rub her hair, "Call me Taoyao."

 Thank you Cen Cen Nanshan for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you Sheng Ruomeng (painting) for rewarding 399 book coins~

  【Hold the cuties and tuck them into the bed! ! ! 】

  [Thank you for feeding Mengmeng crazy today (crossed out), I still love you so much in the new year]

(End of this chapter)

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