Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 546 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 546 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (9)

Yan Huan patted his chest hard, coughing like hell, his cheeks were flushed, and the circles of his eyes were also flushed.

Before Zhuge Liang patted her on the back, Yan Huan held his little heart that was almost coughed out, tremblingly, "It's okay, it's okay..."

Zhuge Liang frowned, "What's wrong?"

Were you excited when you heard about losing your mind?

Yan Huan cried inwardly.

Yes, she almost forgot, Wuling Immortal Lord Zhuge Liang, Lord Immortal Lord is Zhuge Liang!
She knew that this plane would definitely not be that simple!
What anti-raiders!

What does it mean to make a Zhao Yunlai!

Not only does she have to guard against the fairies in the Immortal Palace who are staring at the Lord Xianjun, but also against Zhao Yun who will break the Lord Xianjun at any time? !
The counterattack is actually so difficult...

Yan Huan raised his forehead.

"Are you uncomfortable? It's still this tea, can't you drink it?"

His words were concerned, Yan Huan raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes were hazy with tears from coughing, and his eyes were particularly weird.

"I want to go to that Yuanwai's house to see..."

Zhuge nodded, his eyes were gentle, and he was accustomed to him, "Okay, I will go with you."

Yan Huan hurriedly jumped up and waved his hands, "No, no, no! I'll go by myself, I can go by myself..."

Master Xianjun going?forget it!
Originally, he and Zhao Yun didn't have much chance to meet each other. If she brought Xianjun there, and the two of them saw each other, then she...

The one who finally wore the cuckold was Yan Huan!

Zhuge Liang was puzzled.

Bai Qingyan had never been to the mortal world before, so how could he be so curious and interested in the insane son of that mortal man's family?

Is she...

Zhuge Liang remembered the emperor's instructions before he went down to earth, so although he was worried that it would be unsafe for her to go alone, he nodded in agreement.

He poured some spiritual power into the broom, and made the broom only the size of a palm so that it was convenient for her to put it in his arms.

"Your magic weapon is powerful now, if you are in danger, remember to call me."

Yan Huan was moved and cried.

Now Lord Xianjun is considerate and gentle to her.

I just don't know if he will treat him so well after knowing Zhao Yun's existence.

Yunliang, Yunliang, it's scary.

With her head down, she left the teahouse worriedly.

Of course Zhuge Liang was worried, he turned into a virtual world in the teacup, silently watching Yan Huan's every move.

Yan Huan stopped at the gate of the Zhao residence.

Probably because the house is not going well, even the two servants at the gate of Zhao's house seem to be in decline.

She walked up the steps, cleared her throat, and asked one of the servants in a friendly manner, "Brother, is Mr. Zhao at the house?"

The servant who was being questioned was originally depressed, but when he saw her, his eyes widened instantly. His eyes were full of infatuated amazement, and he stared blankly for a while.

Yan Huan was embarrassed, "Brother?"

The servant came back to his senses, his face flushed, and he stammered, "Girl, girl, are you..."

Yan Huan smiled, "I heard that Zhao Yuanwai's only son is suffering from a strange disease. I want to show him the disease. If it can be cured, it will be considered a good deed."

The miracle doctor left in the morning, and now another doctor came to see the young master.

The servant looked up and down a few times and said, "In [-] years, such a fairy girl who is so beautiful and beautiful, would she still treat people?
"The girl is a doctor?"

Yan Huan nodded lightly, "I know how to see a doctor, and I also know how to be cursed by evil witches."

The servant rolled his eyes, as if thinking of something, he bowed to her.

"Please wait here, girl, I will report to my master."

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  (I can’t write more, thank you for the rest of the next chapter~)

  【It's another day of being taken care of by the cuties ~ hold them in your arms and kiss them ~】

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(End of this chapter)

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