Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 549 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 549 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (12)

The room was well-organized and there was no peculiar smell. The censer was filled with calming incense, and the windows were left with slits for ventilation. The environment inside was not as bad as Yan Huan imagined.


Mrs. Zhao called softly, but no one responded to her.

She opened the curtain and entered the inner room. In the inner room, a man with long hair hanging loose, wearing only underwear and shorts, squatted on a chair with his knees hugged, staring blankly ahead, his eyes were empty and colorless.

Like a puppet without a soul.


Mrs. Zhao's soft tone tinged with tears, but Zhao Yun acted as if she hadn't heard of it, her dazed eyes didn't even blink.

Probably due to long-term frailty and illness, Zhao Yun is thin and thin, his face is sickly pale, even more feminine, there are two dark circles under his eyes, his chin is thin, and his cheekbones are sunken.

He doesn't resemble Zhao Yun in the Canyon of Kings at all, he looks like a patient.

Still a patient with no desire to live.

If he is really Ling Yue Di Ji...

Then Yan Huan understood what this madness was.

Most likely because she couldn't accept the fact that she went down to earth and became a man, and she wanted to go back to the heavenly palace but couldn't, so it became like this.

Mrs. Zhao winked at Yan Huan, and the two came out of the inner room, Mrs. Zhao's expression was gloomy.

"Miss Bai, look, Yun'er is like this now. She doesn't talk, ignores people, and can sit alone all day long. This is..."

She shook her head, Yan Huan comforted her.

"Ma'am, don't worry, why don't I go in and talk to your son alone? Ma'am, leave first?"

Mrs. Zhao looked hesitant, "Yun'er loses her temper, it will hurt people..."

Yan Huan smiled, "It's okay, I won't be hurt by him, Madam, don't worry."

Madam Zhao looked back at her worriedly before leaving the room.

Yan Huan took a deep breath, opened the curtain and entered the inner room.

"Di Ji Lingyue?"

Zhao Yun, who was squatting on the chair, turned his head to look at her in disbelief.

Originally thin, but now with rounded eyes, disheveled hair, and pale face, Yan Huan's little heart flinched.

"Are you really Di Ji?"

Zhao Yun took a few breaths and didn't speak for a long time, his voice was hoarse and indistinct.

"How do you know? You are also an immortal? Who sent you? The emperor? The empress? Or... Lord Xianjun?"

Yan Huan:. . .

They have all become men and still miss Xianjun...

Any other ideas?

Yan Huan didn't intend to tell her her real identity, she also descended to earth secretly, but she didn't become a man, isn't this just to cause hatred?

Besides, they can be regarded as rivals in love now, and it is very important to hide their identities.

She explained gently, "I am not sent by anyone, but I just heard that Mr. Zhao's family has lost his mind, and he thought that there was an evil spirit, so I came to see."

Zhao Yun nodded, the light in his eyes dimmed, and she asked listlessly.

"Then you are a Pingxian who lives in the mortal world? I don't know which department, which product and which category you are in charge of?"

Yan Huan:. . .stupid
Which company and which product?

How could she know such details?

All she knew was that the Pingxians who were in charge of the mortal world, such as the Pingxians under Baihua Shangxian, there were Peony Fairy, Xinghua Fairy, Begonia Fairy and so on.

And in Wuling, there is such a large peach blossom forest. She is a peach blossom fairy living in Wuling, which can be regarded as the past.

Yan Huan bent his lips, "Xiaoxian is the Peach Blossom Fairy who lives in Wuling."

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhao Yun looked up at her in surprise.

"Peach Blossom Fairy?"

Yan Huan was inexplicably stared at by her, "Yes..."

Zhao Yun suddenly smiled, and said in a cold tone, "Are you lying to me?"

 【This is the last chapter of yesterday. I just finished coding. The four chapters owed will be paid back slowly. During the Chinese New Year, I will visit relatives to pay New Year's greetings. The coding time is limited QAQ】

  [A few little brothers were taken away, and then Mengmeng added a few more, and now the remaining ones who have not been taken away are: Zhao Yun (Bai Deacon), Zhao Yun (Original Pi), Han Xin (Street Fighter), Di Renjie, Zhuang Zhou, Zhang Liang, Ying Zheng, Donghuang Taiyi, Yang Jian. 】

  [Everyone hugs your husband very quickly, hahaha, hurry up if you haven't hugged yet...]

(End of this chapter)

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