Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 551 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 551 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (14)

After Yan Huan left the Zhao residence, the sun was no longer as bright as before.

In the spring sunshine in the afternoon, the person who was basking in the sun felt lazy and couldn't lift his spirits. She covered her lips and yawned, and walked into the second floor of the teahouse.

Lord Xianjun propped his head on one hand, and was closing his eyes to rest his mind. A piece of sunlight fell on him through the window pane.

Now that the handsome man is here, let her sit here for an afternoon and watch Lord Xianjun for an afternoon, she is willing.

Yan Huan quietly sat across from him, and just after sitting down, Zhuge Liang opened his eyes.

There was tenderness in his eyes, and he spoke lazily.

"came back?"

Yan Huan nodded.

Zhuge Liang poured her a cup of hot tea. The pink petals rose and fell, and the hot steam with a sweet fragrance was peach blossom tea.

He handed it to Yan Huan, his words were gentle and nostalgic, as if he had known her for a long time, "Mixed with nectar, you always like sweet things."

Yan Huan held the tea and took a sip obediently.

The honey is just right, and the tea temperature is just right, which suits her taste.

Yan Huan was still hesitating whether to tell him about Di Ji.

Zhuge Liang watched her drink the tea slowly, his eyes were greedy, and he just felt that all this was too unreal.

He spoke with a gentle and gentle voice, as if he was afraid of startling her.

"The son of Yuan's family, have you healed him?"

Yan Huan put down his teacup and pursed his lips.

"Can I ask you something...personal?"

Zhuge Liang pursed his lips and smiled, "Ask whatever you want, you don't need to be so scrupled."

Yan Huan:. . .But for the next question, you might throw me out of the window after hearing it!

Yan Huan paused, looked at Zhuge Liang's face, and asked falteringly.

"Master Xianjun...could he fall in love with a man?"

Zhuge Liang was embarrassed.

fall in love with a man...

He has been asked this question before.

What did he say then?

"I like her, regardless of whether she is human or immortal, whether she is alive or dead, Zhuge Liang only recognizes her as one person."

"Then... what if she turns into a man this time?"

"Whether she is a woman or a man, as long as she is her, she is my sweetheart."

Pulling back his thoughts, Yan Huan in front of him was staring at him with piercing eyes, Zhuge Liang blushed in embarrassment.

Yan Huan:. . .

What does this blushing mean? !

Could it be that Lord Xianjun really has a tendency to be bent? !

Terrifying and terrifying, this plane is too unreal!

Zhuge Liang concealed his embarrassment, his eyes were helpless and doting.

"Emperor Lingyue was demoted to a mortal and became a man. Are you worried... that I will fall in love with her?"

Now it was Yan Huan's turn to be embarrassed.

Zhuge Liang sighed softly, wanting to hold her hand, but felt that it was too abrupt, he smiled, his curved eyes were seductive as if to confuse all living beings.

"If you become a man, I can consider it, Lingyue Diji, no matter whether she is a man or a woman, I have never thought about her at all."

Yan Huan's face turned red!

what did he say?
Even if she becomes a man, will he still consider being with her?
The little deer bumped violently in her heart, the crazy little deer probably wanted to knock it out of her chest!
Yan Huan blushed in embarrassment, and blurted out a question in disbelief, "Master Xianjun... likes me?"

Zhuge Liang finally couldn't help it, and took her warm hand.

"Yes, I have liked you for a long time."

Yan Huan:? ? ?

Shock!In the heavens, a big boss who went up to the immortal, but had an unrequited love and secretly fell in love with the immortal for several years? !

The Wuling Immortal had secretly fallen in love with her, a little broom star, for several years? !

What is this way of opening? !
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  Thanks to Master Cingomao Nine Tails for rewarding 100 book coins~

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  Thanks to Beimu Beisheng for rewarding 100 book coins~

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(End of this chapter)

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