Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 560 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 560 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (23)


The whip was torn away from her body, the small barbs on the whip ripped her belt, her dress was also torn, the cloak and hat slipped off, Yan Huan raised his head and glared at Luo Yong Yuanshi.

What's wrong with this man!

Still hitting women? !Do you have the quality? !Is this virtue or a fairy? !
Luo Yongyuan's originally angry face froze the moment he saw Yan Huan.


Yan Huan gave him a gouging look, pulled the cloak to cover the torn dress around his waist, supported his painful waist, and trotted towards Zhuge Liang.

He frowned, and hugged Yan Huan, "Is there any injury?"

Yan Huan shook his head.

She raised her face with a cute expression, "Are you going to fight? I can protect myself, don't worry about me, you can hit him whatever you want, kill him!"

Zhuge Liang clasped her waist, his eyes gradually darkened, his meaning was unclear.

Luo Yongyuan was taken aback for a moment, and called out uncertainly, "Qingyan?"

Yan Huan was also stunned.

Her name was given to her by Master Xianjun, how does this person know?

Yan Huan consciously hid behind Zhuge Liang, and said arrogantly, "Master Xianjun, beat him to death!"

Envoy Luo Yongyuan frowned, "Your face..."

Yan Huan raised her eyebrows, "None of your business! I look like this, and I didn't grow from eating your rice!"

Luo Yongyuan frowned even tighter.

He looked at Zhuge Liang wonderingly, Zhuge Liang glanced at him coldly, and planned to leave with Yan Huan in his arms.


This Luoyong Yuan envoy is really like brown sugar, it can't be shaken off if it sticks!

Envoy Luo Yong shook his head contemptuously, "Zhuge Liang, what do you mean? My sister died, so you just found someone who is exactly the same..."

Yan Huan paused.


The envoy Luo Yong wanted to say more, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't make a sound!
His ability to speak was blocked by Zhuge Liang? !

He glared at Zhuge Liang angrily, Zhuge Liang's face was as dark as ink, and his eyes were dark.

Yan Huan turned his head to look at Luo Yongyuan envoy who was jumping angrily, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

"Let's go, go back to Taolin first, tomorrow we will..."

Yan Huan shook his head.

She's not smart, but she's not stupid either.

This is what Luo Yongyuan envoy just said, his sister died, and Zhuge Liang found someone who was exactly the same...

She vaguely realized something.

"Why did you block him? I want to hear what he will say."

Luo Yongyuan wanted to say something, but Zhuge Liang was unwilling to unblock him.

He hugged Yan Huan and was eager to take her away, his eyes dodged, he didn't dare to look at her, he just said coldly.

"What good things can he say? Leave him alone."

He was the one who cast the curse, and he had to use his magic power to undo it. He didn't want to undo it, and no one else could.


Yan Huan glanced at him indifferently, pushed Zhuge Liang's arm away, raised his hand to unseal Luo Yongyuan's envoy, Zhuge Liang's pupils shrank suddenly!
Lord Xianjun gave her his spiritual energy before.

Her face was cold and her voice was indifferent, "Who is your sister?"

Seeing Yan Huan's appearance and the same tone of voice, envoy Luo Yong lost his mind for a moment.

Yan Huan pursed her lips, and he stared at her, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Master Yuan Envoy?"

Luo Yongyuan's envoy can be regarded as coming back to his senses.

"My sister, Bai Qingyan, is the princess of the Jiao Clan of the Six Sacred Seas. The girl and her have similar looks and voices."

He looked at Zhuge Liang whose face was getting colder, and curled his lips in mockery.

"By the way, Sister She was originally called Bai Qingyan, and the word Qingyan was changed for her by Lord Xianjun."

 Thank you Fengchen Yeshengxiao for rewarding 1099 book coins~

  Thank you Caihao for rewarding 700 book coins~

  Thanks Jun Xiao for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thank Xue Kaixi for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thanks to the girl in the flower room. Reward 999 book coins~

  Thank you Nancheng Hansheng for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Soul Eater.$ reward 100 book coins~

  Thanks to the countless starry sky for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you Zhaileishan for rewarding 300 book coins~

  Thank you Qi Ye for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks `Qianzhu for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you, but Li Shang rewarded you with 200 book coins~

  Thank you Han Xinwen for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Beimu Beisheng for rewarding 1988 book coins~

  Thank you Liluoi for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thank you for looking back at plum blossoms and rewarding 399 book coins~

  Thanks to a white little chaste for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to the old couple for rewarding 588 book coins~

  【Weakly hug everyone and kiss...】

  Congratulations to [Han Xinwen], the boss who became the No.18 rudder of this book! ! !

  Loving man! ! !Best author friend! ! !
  [I feel very uncomfortable today, and then I dealt with annoying things for another day, and I vomited twice. Now I am in a bad state. I try my best to finish the four chapters today, and I will add more if I can. I hope everyone will understand]

(End of this chapter)

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