Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 567 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 567 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (30)

Crowd: ? ? ?
Didn't expect the younger sister to protect Zhuge Liang to this extent?

The boss of the Bai family's face darkened, serious.

"You want to protect Zhuge Liang, but you can't curse yourself as a bastard!"

Yan Huan:. . .

She explained angrily, "My original body is a broom in the world. It is because of the aura of Fenghua Tianzun that I have the root of wisdom to cultivate into a fairy!"

She scanned the stunned people around, and said irritably, "I told you I'm not your sister, I'm a broom fairy sweeping the Nantianmen!"

Yan Huan took out her magic weapon from her bosom, it was turned into a broom the size of a palm, and she threw it on the ground, instantly turning into a big broom.

Everyone is silent.

An awkward silence.

The broom... fairy? !
The boss of the Bai family held down Yan Huan who was about to get up, "The broom is not your real body, but the fragments of your soul attached to the broom, you see your blood is fused with the sixth one, you are not Bai Qingyan you who is it?"

Yan Huan was speechless, "You guys confessed to me while I was unconscious?!"

Everyone:. . .

It is undoubtedly the younger sister.

There is only her focus, which is always so unpredictable.

"That's not bloody confession, it's to save you..."

The boss of the Bai family coaxed her for a long time, but he couldn't talk about the past to stimulate her memory, so he had to coax her earnestly.

Yan Huan sat cross-legged on the bed, half-believing.

"Then you... are all my brothers? Dear?"

Envoy Luo Yong raised his chin, "Of course they are brothers and sisters!"

Yan Huan:. . .

That was pretty awesome, too, with six sons and a daughter at the end.

"Then Zhuge Liang and I..."

When Zhuge Liang was mentioned, the faces of the five people around the bed turned pale.

"Zhuge Liang tricked you away by relying on his good skin and sweet words!"

"Yanyan, the second brother told you that the Zhuge Liang transformed from the peach tree had no good intentions from the very beginning!"

"Yes! Ten thousand years ago, you suffered from his loss and was cheated by him. You can't be cheated again this time!"

"We Jiao Clan, what kind of good man can't find?"

"Yes, yes, not to mention the Jiao clan, look at the fish, shrimps, crabs and mussels in the Six Sacred Seas, which one is better than Zhuge Liang?"


Bro are you serious?

Don't you want to serve me a seafood dinner?

After the envoy Luo Yong finished the last sentence, he was kicked by someone.

"What are you talking about? Can Yanyan be with those fish, shrimps, crabs and clams?!"

Yan Huan:. . .

I feel that everyone hates Zhuge Liang...

She is still in the fog now, is it really like what they said, she is... Bai Qingyan.

Yan Huan let out a long sigh, "Go out first, I want to be alone, my mind is a little messed up now..."

The boss of the Bai family hurriedly agreed, "Okay, let's leave first, don't think too much on your own, we will help you find your memory slowly, don't worry..."

The others left slowly, and the boss of the Bai family pointed to one of them with his chin.

"Fifth, you stand guard at the door, if Yanyan feels a little uncomfortable, immediately save her with blood!"

The fifth child nodded happily, and raised his eyebrows in embarrassment at the other dark-faced brothers.

When the group left, the third child felt dissatisfied, "Brother, why did you let the fifth stay there, he looks so stupid..."

The boss of the Bai family glanced at him, "The fifth brother has the strongest physique and the most blood. If something happens to Yanyan, he has enough blood to save Yanyan."

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 [Spicy chicken system swallowed my thank you list, I will post it again]

  Thank you Tang Yanqi for rewarding 998 book coins~

  Thanks to Summer for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Nanfeng for knowing my intentions and rewarding 999 book coins~

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  Thank you Duke Amos for rewarding 688 book coins~

  Thank you Qi Ye for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you column for rewarding 199 book coins~

  Thank you Su Qi. Reward 999 book coins~

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  Thank you Gu Baixi for rewarding 100 book coins~

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  Thank you Zhaileishan for rewarding 400 book coins~

  Thanks to the brightest star under the moonlight for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thanks to the girl in the flower room. Reward 588 book coins~

  【Hold everyone and rub! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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