Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 582 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 582 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (46)

It is really impossible to think about it, how could it be Lingyue Diji? !
Wasn't she turned into a man by the Emperor of Heaven, that is... Zhao Yun from Zhao Yuan's family in Wuling? !

How come now...the appearance of Emperor Ji Lingyue again? !

Yan Huan was dumbfounded, it was like a thunderbolt struck her head, and she still hasn't recovered from the explosion!

"Didn't you, you become Zhao Yun? Why do you..."

The real Zhao Yun turned to look at her inexplicably when he heard his name.

Yan Huan:. . .

She smiled awkwardly, "It's not you, she just has the same name and surname as you."

Lingyue Diji sneered, her contemptuous and haughty eyes were as lofty as before.

Before that, Yan Huan felt that her elder brother's eyes were inexplicably familiar.

Now I finally remembered that that look was the look that Lingyue Diji showed from time to time when she and Lingyue Diji were talking in the room in Wuling.

"You like Zhuge Liang, so... are you coming to kill me?"

Yan Huan pursed her lips, her eyes helpless and sympathetic.

If you can't love it, do you want the person you love to also love it?

Sick love is really pitiful and hateful.

Lingyue Diji wasn't angry or remorseful, she leaned against the wall with an indifferent expression, dejected from exhaustion both physically and mentally, she lowered her eyes and suddenly laughed softly.

"Oh, I really didn't expect that I've done enough for him. Back then when the demon king captured him, I was the Immortal Emperor Ji, and I was the one who passed on the news to you that I was able to enter and leave the Six Sacred Seas secretly."

Her eyes suddenly turned serious, and there was resentful heartache between her brows and eyes, "Why did I risk being caught by the Jiao clan and sneak into the Six Sacred Seas to bring you out? Didn't I want to save him! Didn't I save him? Because I like him?!"

Yan Huan was expressionless, even...a little speechless.

She likes him, and he likes another her.

No matter how much you do for him, he doesn't want the person he loves to die to save him, and live alone for thousands of years with guilt and longing, which is more torture than death!

Lingyue Diji roared uncontrollably, "Obviously you have been wiped out, but he has been thinking about you all the time?! I showed my kindness to him, and even tried to imitate you deliberately to make him look at me more, but he actually said Not as good as you?!"

She was furious, and slammed the palace wall fiercely, and with a loud bang, she successfully attracted the nearby guards.

"Why! Why are you dead and still alive?! He's always thinking about you, and if you come back to life, he won't even look at me again in this life!"

She was short of breath, and her heart ached. She was so proud that she didn't want others to see her tears, but at this moment, she couldn't hold back her tears.

"Why do you want to come back alive? The emperor doesn't help me, the empress doesn't help me, all of them help him, help you! I don't kill you, what can I do?"

She raised her eyes, her eyes were dark and scarlet, full of deep hatred.

Yan Huan leaned closer to Zhao Yun.

At this time, Lingyue Diji had basically said goodbye to reason, and now she probably had the heart to die with herself.

She pursed her lips and said softly, "Actually, I'm dead, and Zhuge Liang will never forget me."

She looked at Emperor Lingyue, her eyes were light, but she understood with certainty.

"When I die, he will miss me even more, because he not only has love for me, but also feels guilty for not protecting me well. No matter how much you fight, can you compete for a dead person's place in his heart?"

 Thanks `Qianzhu for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank Xue Kaixi for rewarding 200 book coins~

  [Hold the thighs of the two big guys and rub them hard! ! 】

  [Thank you for crowdfunding and raising dreams... Hahahahaha the word crowdfunding is so vivid...]

(End of this chapter)

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