Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 585 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 585 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (49)

Zhao Yun was arranged by Yan Huan in the guest room, and now he is no longer needed, but the time limit is one day, and the system cannot take him back in advance.

She was afraid that Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun would see each other, and when Wang Ba looked at Mung Dou, the two of them would see each other rightly, so she would have the heart to beat the system to death!
She arranged for Zhao Yun, and when she returned to the room, she saw Zhuge Liang was still leaning on the bed with a carefree look, and walked over to poke his chest.

"You, hurry up and give the fragments of the primordial spirit to my eldest brother, and say that you heard about this in Tiangong, and went to ask the emperor to get the warrant, and took the fragments of the primordial spirit from Zhuxiantai to send them to Liushenghai."

Zhuge Liang reacted lightly, but she frowned, thinking about her words seriously.

"My brothers' temper is like that. If there is something unpleasant to say, you should bear it first and don't get angry."

She suddenly thought of something, turned her head and said excitedly, "That's right, you can say that Princess Lingyue wanted to kill me, and you came to save me!"

Zhuge Liang:. . .

She thought hard for a long time, and taught Zhuge Liang how to please her brothers.

But Zhuge Liang didn't respond, he half closed his eyes, and slowly followed her long hair, as if he didn't take her words to heart.

"Hey, let me tell you seriously, even if my brothers know that Lingyue Emperor Ji did what happened back then, and now she is the one who wants to kill me, but their prejudice against you will not be less!"

Yan Huan poked his chest, Zhuge Liang grabbed her hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it.

He was helpless, but his tone was firm, "Your brothers just misunderstood what happened back then. Now that they know the truth, they will definitely not embarrass me and stop us from being together."

Yan Huan:. . .

Then I'm afraid you don't know the degree of sister control of my brothers.

She rolled her eyes and was too lazy to worry, "Alright, anyway, I've told you what I should say. Whether you listen or not is up to you. Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Zhuge Liang pinched her cheek, kissed her lips, and said softly, "I know you are doing it for my own good, I know it all."

Yan Huan: You know a ball!
He sat up straight suddenly, and hastily kissed her forehead, "Someone is here, I'll go to your elder brother first, and I'll come to you later!"

Zhuge Liang left in a phantasm, and the door was pushed open just as he left.

The sixth child frowned, with a hurried expression, and walked in quickly with a gloomy face.

Yan Huan thought he had sensed Zhuge Liang's aura, and sat on the bed in fright, not daring to move!

"Yanyan! Has anyone been here? Have you been bullied? Have you been injured?"

Yan Huan shook his head slowly.

The sixth child was still worried, so he pulled Yan Huan's wrist and carefully checked her pulse and aura.

He loosened his frowning eyebrows and finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Is no one here? I was hit by Tiaohu Lishan, and when I realized it, I thought..."

He sighed bitterly, "Fortunately, you are fine."

Yan Huan finally understood what he was talking about.

She pursed her lips, feeling aggrieved, "Someone came here! Princess Lingyue turned into the elder brother, she wanted to kill me, but luckily Zhuge Liang arrived in time to save me!"

She added, "By the way, the one who came to Six Sacred Seas and took me away to save Zhuge Liang was also Empress Lingyue, who tried to put me to death over and over again!"

The sixth child raised his eyebrows and didn't listen to what she said behind him. He raised his voice in disbelief, "Zhuge Liang saved you?!"

 Thank you Xuetangying for rewarding 500 book coins~

  Thanks to Che Yuner for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks `Qianzhu for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you, please call me Ergouzi (朱景) for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Beimu Beisheng for rewarding 300 book coins~

  Thank you Nan Sheng ~ reward 100 book coins ~

  Thank you Mohen xh for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Moshang Jintang for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you for rewarding 100 book coins when the flowers bloom~

  Thank you Ke Qie for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Dizziness, brain bloating, muddleheaded but still strong, kiss and hug and hold everyone high! ! 】

  Thank you for the 21999 book coin award for your favorite Yun Hua Da! ! !

  Congratulations to [Your Favorite Yun Hua General Attack] boss for becoming the second leader of this book! ! !
  Bosses, big brothers... They are all big brothers who support Mengmeng... Fans are worthy of disciples, I dare not talk... Silently look up to the big brothers...

(End of this chapter)

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