Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 594 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 594 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (58)

Yan Huan raised his eyebrows proudly, "I'm afraid you miscalculated, right? We found that there was a problem with the tampered Yuanshen fragments, and we didn't add them to my Yuanshen at all!"

Ji Lingyue's expression remained unchanged.

She was bound by the aura, struggling lazily, and simply stood there, her eyes full of expectant malice.

"Do you think that you can survive without supplementing that piece of Yuanshen?"

Yan Huan was silent.

If the primordial spirit is incomplete, she can't be stimulated all the time, and her memory with Zhuge Liang will always be missing.

But as long as she remains in a stable mood, her life should not be in danger.

Lingyue Diji chuckled twice, the light in her eyes made people feel intensely uncomfortable from the bottom of their hearts.


She laughed louder and louder, the weird laughter echoed in the water prison, the buzzing echo made Yan Huan feel a little flustered.

"Your original body has been destroyed, the three souls and seven souls are incomplete, and the most important fragment of the original spirit cannot return to its place. Although you are like an ordinary person now, you are like a leaky wooden barrel. Sooner or later, the water in the wooden barrel will will be lost.”

She stared at Yan Huan, her eyes full of pleasure after revenge, "You will be wiped out at any time! Maybe next year, maybe tomorrow, or even... you will die in the next second!"

The atmosphere is silent.

Yan Huan squeezed his palms, trembling uncontrollably.

She looked around carefully, none of her brothers, Zhuge Liang in the water prison, spoke or refuted.

They either lowered their heads, or their faces were gloomy. Zhuge Liang was separated from a little distance, his eyes were tender and cherishing, he suppressed the pain, and smiled soothingly.

Yan Huan later realized that it turned out that Lingyue Diji didn't scare her to lie to her, what she said... was true.

She will really disappear at any time.

Just like when she jumped into the magic flame back then, in just a moment, there was no such person as Bai Qingyan in the Three Realms.

However, everyone kept it from her...

She also often used tricks to deceive them with heartache and discomfort. It turned out that they were more worried and impatient than what she saw.

She tightened the fourth brother's sleeve, her eyes lost their luster, she was filled with empty fear, and her voice was soft, "Am I...will I die at any time?"

The fourth child took her hand, squeezed it tightly, and comforted her, but he didn't have much confidence.

"Brothers will never let anything happen to you, Yanyan, don't be afraid..."

Diji Lingyue wanted to say something more, but her elder brother directly used spiritual power to give her a seal, blocking her ability to speak.

Although the eldest of the Bai family was injured and his face was pale, his words were majestic and resounding.

"I will definitely report this matter to the Emperor of Heaven. Even though you are the Emperor Ji, you have done such things over and over again. Our Jiao clan is not a soft persimmon, and we are at the mercy of others."

He tightened the rope of spiritual power, tied Lingyue Diji even tighter, and weaved a barrier to lock her inside.

"The Heavenly Emperor will deal with this matter on his own, His Highness Diji... just stay here and think about it."

He turned cold, caught a glimpse of Zhuge Liang in the water prison behind him, opened the door of the water prison for him from the air, pursed his lips and looked at Yan Huan, his livid face softened a bit.

"Yanyan, let's go."

Yan Huan looked at Zhuge Liang expressionlessly, his eyes filled with sadness and despair.

"I want to... talk to Lord Xianjun first."

Her eldest brother sighed softly, raised his hand to rub her hair, and looked at Zhuge Liang again, before leaving the water prison with the fourth child and others.

The water dungeon was dark and gloomy, but the man who came out of the cell was extremely handsome, with picturesque features.

 Thank you for your favorite Yun Hua, who rewards you with 99 book coins for attacking~

  Thanks to Che Yuner for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Xi Qilan for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you August Qiqiu Qiuye Chuliang for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for rendering * Fleeting Years reward 999 book coins~

  【Hold and pinch your face~】

  [Shuanglan's meat will also be written, and it may be posted in the V group next week, hahahaha dirty demon dream]

(End of this chapter)

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