Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 598 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 598 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (62)

The royal palace of the Jiao clan in the Six Sacred Seas.

The atmosphere was as low as freezing, and the sound of water was superfluous. The guards lowered their heads and tried to breathe as lightly as possible.

Yan Huan leaned on the bed, his consciousness would be clear for a while, then blurred for a while.

She closed her eyes, and in front of her eyes was a flourishing peach grove, colorful peach blossoms of falling petals, gentle pink rosy clouds, like a smeared gorgeous sunset glow.

Zhuge Liang leaned against the thick tree trunk, closed his eyes and meditated, his thin lips curled up, as if in a dream, seeing such a pleasant and beautiful thing.

As soon as the picture turned, she saw several red ribbons floating on the acacia tree in front of the Marriage Pavilion. The red ribbons with his two names written on them were dazzling against the sunlight.

"Yanyan? Yanyan?"

Someone was calling by her ear, Yan Huan opened her eyes bewilderedly, seeing familiar and unfamiliar faces in front of her, she was in a daze for a moment.

"Yanyan, don't sleep, Zhuge Liang is coming back soon, don't you want to see him?"

Yan Huan's eyes were sunken, her face was pale, she nodded in a daze, without saying a word.

She knew that she wanted to see this man named Zhuge Liang.

But she... seems to have forgotten who Zhuge Liang is.

She was leaning against the bed, her eyes glazed over, her elder brother held her wrist, sending spiritual energy to her continuously.

However, her overdrawn vitality did not improve in the slightest.

Her elder brother held her hand tightly, his eyes were reddish, and his tone was loving and cherishing, deliberately soft, as if he was afraid of scaring her.

"Yanyan, can you talk to big brother again?"

Yan Huan's eyes turned to him, his eyes remained unchanged, even a little confused.

"Big brother?"

Her elder brother had a sore nose, a man of seven feet, almost shed tears.

"Well, I'm Yanyan's big brother, and I love Yanyan the most."

Yan Huan half-opened her eyes weakly, as if she was waiting for something.

Waiting for... what?

She closed her eyes, and the man with bewitching eyebrows and eyes reappeared in front of her eyes again.

He was standing under the peach tree, his profile was exquisite and perfect, no flaws could be picked out, no matter how beautiful the peach grove was, nothing could compare to his profile.

This man was born, like a goblin.

However, he is really good-looking.

So good that seeing her makes me want to sink into this dream and never wake up again.

"Yanyan, don't sleep..."


"Yanyan will talk to us again, okay?"

There were always some inexplicable voices interrupting her dreams, Yan Huan opened his eyes, and frowned a little unhappy.

"I'm sleepy."

The third child took her arm, "Don't sleep, Zhuge Liang is coming back soon, you must see him, right?"

Zhuge Liang...Zhuge Liang...

Everyone asked her to wait for Zhuge Liang to come back.

Zhuge Liang... Who is he?
Why not let her sleep and let her wait for him to come back?
Yan Huan shook his head lightly, leaned against the bed, and fell asleep again.

Zhuge Liang, who hurried over from Lingshan, pushed open the door and saw the six men surrounded by the bed, all of them looked sad, his heart suddenly sank, and he was in severe pain.

Her elder brother shook her body lightly, holding back tears in his voice, "Yanyan, do you see who is here?"

Zhuge Liang walked quickly to the side of the bed, took her cold and thin hand, and whispered softly with his fragile eyes.


The man's voice was like broken jade hitting ice, and flowing water hitting rocks, but it was as gentle as the spring breeze in March, which stirred her heart.

Yan Huan opened her eyes, the man in front of her was exactly the same as the magnificent man in her dream.

"It's you?"

Zhuge Liang clasped her hand, brought it to his lips and kissed affectionately.

"it's me."

 Young, lonely, and helpless...

(End of this chapter)

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