Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 611 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness

Chapter 611 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness (5)

Yan Huan:. . .

"You mean... Nanyuan, there are two 3 buildings?!"


Baili Xuance snorted softly, the sultry subwoofer, coupled with his raised eyebrows and hands in his pockets, and his teasing dark red pupils, obviously deserved a beating, but it was hard to beat him.

He laughed and teased, and slowly twirled the mask in his hand a few times.

"Hurry up, you'll be caught by the auntie in charge, who thought you were a flower picker who was going to come in and try to do something wrong."

After all, he took two steps back with a look of fear.

Yan Huan:. . .

She felt depressed, but there was nothing she could do. She dragged her suitcase and quickly slipped out of the dormitory building like a thief.

Who knew S University was so weird!
In the same garden area, there are actually two 3 buildings? !

Then you should mark it!

Does anyone know which one is the female dormitory and which one is the male dormitory?

Yan cheerily dragged his suitcase and walked towards the dormitory opposite.

On the gate of the 3rd male dormitory, the sign of the cartoon boy in pants said: You didn't see it yourself, blame me?
She dragged her suitcase into the dormitory building, and the auntie in charge stopped her.

"Freshmen? You need to register your information here before you can enter the dormitory."

Yan Huan said obediently.

More than a dozen people lined up at the door of the dormitory management office. The girls in summer wore cool, long skirts and short skirts. Yan Huan was dressed in a short T-shirt and denim shorts, which made her look low...

"Didn't you say that there is a relative in your family who is the leader of S University? Can you find out which courtyard he lives in?"

"What's the use of asking? The boys from the art department live in our Nanyuan!"

"My God! It's true!"

The girl with delicate makeup and long chiffon tunic made Yan Huan frowned unhappily at this excited crackling sound.

"Keep your voice down!"

The girl next to her pinched her, and the girl quickly covered her mouth, her face was flushed, and her eyes were still full of excitement.

"Wow, do you know which dormitory he lives in?! Even if I climb the wall with my bare hands, I will climb to see him!"

Yan Huan:. . .

The girl in front of Yan Huan asked tentatively, "Student, are you talking about Baili Xuance?"

When the dozen or so girls in line heard the words "Baili Xuance", they immediately participated in a heated discussion!
Yan Huan:. . .

Because of the same idol, more than a dozen girls who had never met each other quickly became acquainted.

Yan Huan was pushed aside, out of place with the crowd.

Baili Xuance, is it as good as they say?

Yan Huan scoffed in her heart.

In Lin Luoqing's memory, the little bamboo horse Baili Xuance bullied her a lot since she was a child!
The most important thing is that she was the one who was bullied, and she was the one who was criticized and taught by her mother after returning home!

Baili Xuance is someone else's child who is good at everything, perfect and impeccable!

What's worse, because of her baby fat, the title "Little Pang Girl" has been with her for more than ten years!
It wasn't until Baili Xuance was poached by scouts that the two of them interacted less, and the name "little fat girl" was never called again.

What kind of warm and considerate man, what kind of milk dog or wolf dog, what kind of domineering pet fan...

As a person who has been bullied by Baili Xuance for more than ten years, Yan Huan said that Baili Xuance is just a dog on the outside, but a vicious dog on the inside with a big belly!

She gritted her teeth beside her with a dark face, and even when she filled in her personal information, her face was not friendly, as if someone owed her millions.

She picked up the suitcase by herself, and went up to the fourth floor without any pressure.

These girls are growing up well...

Why did he become blind and fall in love with Baili Xuan Ce?
 Thank you Nan Sheng ~ reward 200 book coins ~

  Thanks to Yi Gu Yi for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks for the 10000 book coin award! ! !

  emmm, well, it’s still the leader, there’s nothing to upgrade (manually funny)
  [Flying over to kiss everyone good night! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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