Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 614 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness

Chapter 614 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness (8)

Yan Huan, who was not cute at all, took his military training uniform, obediently went to the art department to get an XXL one for Baili Xuance.

Although she was skeptical in her heart, Baili Xuance couldn't wear such a big size.

Considering that Baili Xuance is a big star with a high reputation, Yan Huan thoughtfully sent the military training uniform downstairs to his dormitory.

"Come down, I'm downstairs in your dormitory."

After Yan Huan edited the text message and sent it, he stood silently by the flower bed and waited for him.

Baili Xuance was still feeling awkward, seeing the text message, he was overjoyed, but immediately put on his mask and dragged downstairs.

He didn't think about it carefully at all, Yan Huan's tone actually revealed a domineering president's order.

Baili Xuance lazily left the dormitory, Yan Huan was standing by the flower bed at the entrance of the dormitory with his back turned to him.

The little chubby girl when she was a child had a round face and five sunken dimples on the back of her hands. In summer, her face often became hot with two blobs of plateau red, and her bangs were wet with sweat. She was so silly.

Now, the little fat girl has transformed into a little goddess.

It is indeed a goddess level.

Long legs and slender waist, which can be regarded as protruding forward and backward, supple black and long straight, with her back facing him, standing by the flower bed, raising her hand to brush her messy hair behind her ears, her cold and indifferent side face, revealing The beauty of abstinence.

Baili Xuance lowered his eyes in embarrassment, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

To Lin Luoqing, he couldn't call the name "little fat girl" anymore.

He calmed down, walked a few steps behind Yan Huan with his hands in his pockets, and half-raised his eyes, dark red pupils, full of enchanting brilliance.

Baili Xuance raised his hand and snapped his fingers in Yan Huan's right ear.

Scared, Yan Huan shrank his neck, frowned and turned his head in displeasure.

With his arrogant and flamboyant appearance, the mask covered his expression, but the obviously curved eyes proved that he was very happy to scare Yan Huan.

Yan Huan pursed his lips, his expression was unkind, and he really wanted to push his head into the flower bed and let him kiss Mother Earth!

She rolled her eyes, handed over her military training uniform, and said angrily, "Here, your military training uniform, XXL."

She bit the "XXL" hard on purpose, raised the corners of her lips, and looked up and down his figure, obviously telling Baili Xuance that she didn't believe he had a figure.

Baili Xuance was suffocated.

"You take it first, let's go to the cafeteria to eat."

Yan Huan's eyes widened in disbelief!

"Are you going to the cafeteria to eat?"

Baili Xuance gave her a condescending look, "What's wrong? No way?"

Yan Huan stuffed the military training uniform into his arms.

"Okay, okay, go eat, I'll go back and order takeaway."

There were so many people in the cafeteria, she didn't have the guts to go to the cafeteria to eat with Baili Xuance ostentatiously.

Is it bad to live?
She doesn't want to die.

"Hey, aren't you going to the cafeteria?"

The little follower who used to be disobedient again and again, Baili Xuance raised his eyebrows, and his inner emotions were weird and complicated.

Like a toy that belongs only to him, suddenly one day it has its own thoughts, and wants to escape from him, stop listening to him, and be controlled by him.

His hands were on Yan Huan's shoulders, through his clothes, Yan Huan still had goose bumps all over his body, and his limbs were all stiff.

"What is your identity, don't you know? If I go to the cafeteria with you and the girls recognize me, then it's over..."

Yan Huan consciously took two steps back, a little further away from Baili Xuance, and helplessly spread his hands, "Then I will probably be beaten to pieces."

 Thank you Duke Amos for rewarding 2476 book coins~

  Thank you Yan Xichen for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Hold the thighs of the bosses and rub hard...】

(End of this chapter)

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