Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 624 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness

Chapter 624 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness (18)

Others were tortured by military training, and their weight was dropping. It can be said that they enjoyed military training, and their sharp and thin chins were even rounder, less aloof and domineering.

Before she went out, she squeezed her chin in disbelief, it was really a little more fleshy than before.

She shook her head sadly, during this time, every lunch and dinner was contracted by Baili Xuance, he didn't eat much, and he also exercised, it was fun...

The amount of exercise in the military training can't consume her every meal!

Tsk, she is Sister Gao Lengyu, she can't go back to being a stupid and cute little chubby girl again!
After the military training in the morning, Yan Huan walked back grumblingly, hesitating whether to go to Xuan Ce for dinner.

Eat... long meat.

Don't eat...hungry.

She was unable to support her forehead, and her roommate Wu Ruoqin came over and bumped into her lightly, winking and gossiping.

"Hey, don't you eat in the cafeteria today?"

Yan Huan pursed her lips, and after serious consideration, she shook her head affirmatively.

" the cafeteria."

Wu Ruoqin chuckled, "I see you run to the gate every day after your military training, and disappear as soon as you get into the luxury car. Tell me honestly, boyfriend?"

Yan Huan pursed her lips again.

"No, it's a friend I've played with since childhood."

Wu Ruoqin smiled gossip, with a look of disbelief.

Yan Huan took out her phone and sent a text message to Baili Xuance.

"I won't have dinner with you anymore."

After she finished posting, she felt that it was too abrupt to say that, and Xuan Ce's arrogant temper would definitely make him angry again, so she added an extra sentence.

"I've gained weight, so I'll eat in the cafeteria in the future."

She took back her mobile phone and squeezed into the cafeteria with her roommate.

When it's meal time, this cafeteria is simply not a place for people to stay!

The coldness of the air conditioner, the mixed smell of various meals, and the smell of sweat on everyone's bodies after military training, Yan Huan's head was full of black lines, and he didn't know where to go with the rice plate.

She turned around, and during the time she was being fed by Xuan Ce, she no longer looked down on the big pot of food in the cafeteria.

It’s over.

She won't fall into the point of no return from being fed fat and never come back, right?

Don't let her become a little fat girl again!

The phone ding-dong just in time.

It must be Baili Xuance who texted back.

Yan Huan sighed and took out his phone from his pocket.


"The beef that was just airlifted from country J, the steak cooked by the top Michelin chef himself, you really don't want to eat it?"

Yan Huan's stomach growled.

I beg you not to be tempted!

She turned off the screen and was about to put the phone back into her pocket silently, when another text message came.

"If you miss this village, you won't have this store. You can't just buy this beef with money."

Yan Huan: QAQ
She couldn't control her legs and was about to leave the cafeteria!
No, no, all fattening delicacies are paper tigers!

Kill a paper tiger with one punch and don't be tempted!

She shook her head vigorously a few times, put her phone back in her pocket, and went to the small window to order some shredded pork noodles.

If you have food in your heart, everything you eat is food!
She meditated in her heart, and sat opposite Wu Ruoqin with the noodles, eating the noodles without any disturbance in her heart.

"Luoqing, if you have a boyfriend, don't hide it, it's not shameful, bring it out for us to see."

Yan Huan didn't like Wu Ruoqin's tough tone very much.

She said she wasn't a boyfriend, so why did she ask the bottom line?
She glanced at her roommate coldly, and said briefly and neatly, "It's not a boyfriend."

Wu Ruoqin pouted resentfully, lowered her head to eat, her narrow eyes were full of jealousy.

 Thanks to Zhuge Luo for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for your willingness to reward 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Shuangyueye for rewarding 99 book coins~

  [Rotate 360 ​​degrees on the ground without dead ends to kiss! 】

  Thanks to His Royal Highness Yalele for the 10000 book coin award! ! !

  [Being taken care of by the big boss every day, Damengzi's chin has also begun to round...]

  [Two chapters will be added tonight! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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