Chapter 716

"There is something!"


Yan Huan glanced at the celadon dish with twigs on the table, and said indifferently, "Of course there is something in the dish, isn't there food? Meng Qi, you little fool."

Meng Qi jumped up, ran over quickly, and pulled Yan Huan's skirt vigorously, a little annoyed.

"You silly!"

"You are stupid."

"You little fool!"

Yan Huan ruffled its fur, "You are the stupidest, you are the stupidest."

Meng Qi held back for a long time before he could say a word.

"There is medicine in the dish!"

Yan Huan's smile froze on his face, his eyes became solemn, "Medicine? What kind of medicine?"

Meng Qi didn't know either, it was a spiritual pet, and it only smelled the herbal medicine that was different from the food in the past. How could it know what kind of medicine it was?

Yan Huan raised his eyes to look at the table of food, without having to think about it, he understood it instantly.

She curled her lips into a sneer and nodded repeatedly.

good very good.

Rong Yi took her under her wing, and Aunt Qing wanted to send her directly to Rong Yi's bed, so that she would die from now on to redeem herself and go out, so she could only stay in Xiayun Building as a prostitute, right?

The meals were either drugged or aphrodisiacs.

There's nothing wrong with it, it's in line with Aunt Qing's usual practice of devoid of conscience and humanity.

She definitely wouldn't eat this food, but if she didn't have traditional Chinese medicine, Aunt Qing would definitely use other methods to cure her, now she can't just sit here and wait for death.

The door was pushed open, Meng Qichi slipped into the closet, Yan Huan thought it was Lan Chun who came back, but who knew it was Bao Xia who brought sour plum soup into the room.

She glanced at the untouched food on the table, her eyes flickered slightly, hiding the scheming in her eyes, and said with a smile.

"The girl has no appetite. Nut asked the kitchen to make sour plum soup. Would you like to try it, girl? Maybe you will have an appetite after drinking some."

With his back turned to her, Yan Huan took a deep breath.

Baoxia belongs to Aunt Qing, and she prescribes most of the medicines in the food, and the sour plum soup is not clean either.

"I don't want to eat or drink, you go out first, I'll just stay by myself."

Although her words were light, she was firm enough not to refuse, Bao Xia frowned, a little puzzled.

The girl was not so strong before, at least three meals a day, even if she didn't have an appetite, she would eat some, why tonight, she just refused to eat, and she didn't even want to drink sour plum soup?
Could it be that she noticed that she had something in it?
Bao Xia tried to persuade him a few more times, but she couldn't do anything with Yan Huan's stubbornness.

How can this be good?

What Aunt Qing meant was that she just drugged her and quietly made her innocent. Even if she cried and screamed in the future, she couldn't do anything about it, but now...

The door is ajar, and the time set by Aunt Qing has already passed a stick of incense, and if she is too soft, she can only be hard, and she will be tied to Young Master Rong's room!

She doesn't know how to flatter herself, who can be blamed?

Bao Xia gritted his teeth, lightly opened the half-closed door, shook his head at Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi at the end of the corridor, and then waved again.

Yan Huan keenly heard the heavy footsteps outside, it didn't belong to a woman, it was the sound of a man's soap boots stepping on the floor.

She screamed in her heart that she was not good, she stood up quickly and quickly climbed up the window sill, the window sill was narrow, but she was petite, and she would be able to squat on the window sill.

"Meng Qi!"

Meng Qi slipped out of the closet again and jumped into Yan Huan's arms.

"Use the shield quickly, let's jump from here together!"

【Notice!Notice! 】

The system's warning sound sounds.

[Mengqi has been hit by an aphrodisiac, so she can't use her skills now! 】

 Thanks to Che Yuner for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you lookll for rewarding 688 book coins~

  Thanks to His Royal Highness, Yalele, for the 10000 book coin award! ! !

  [Boots bosses are inhumane, merciless, and supportive without hesitation... (winking)]

  [Tomorrow 8 update, today is here, hahahahahahaha (I don’t know why I am laughing when I post it)]

(End of this chapter)

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