Chapter 719

Aunt Qing raised her hand and slapped Yan Huan, which stunned her!

Bao Xia cried out in surprise, "Mother! You, why did you hit her in the face?"

She is going to pick up guests tonight, her face is red and swollen, but how can she pick up guests?

Aunt Qing was out of breath, she stared at Yan Huan with resentment in her eyes, gritted her teeth, and twisted her arm hard again in bewilderment!
"I can't get the medicine in. This little bitch is pissing me off. If I don't teach her a lesson today, she really thinks of herself as a young lady!"

Aunt Qing spat bitterly, "Bah! Anyway, I won't be able to take guests tonight, so let me clean up this ignorant thing!"

Yan Huan's slapped face was turned to one side, and the left side of his face was instantly swollen, five fingerprints were clearly visible, she pursed her lips and smiled, but didn't say anything.

What can she do now?

Because of Lanchun, she can't escape or leave. Since Aunt Qing has slapped her in the face, she will definitely not be able to receive guests these two days.

It's okay, just take some pain on the flesh, she can bear it.

Wait for these few days, wait for Lanchun to come back, wait for her to leave, before she leaves, she will definitely get back what these people owe her!
"Didn't you speak sharply just now? Are you dumb now?"

Aunt Qing's high-pitched voice was harsh, and Yan Huan's smile became even more strange, "Thank you for this slap, thanks to this slap."

Aunt Qing understood what she meant, she was furious, and pushed Baoxia vigorously, "Go! Go and get my thin stick! Today I won't let this little bitch have a long memory, she really doesn't know this In Xiayun Building, who is in charge!"

Bao Xia hurriedly went out to get the thin stick, Aunt Qing was itchy with anger, and she was even more angry with Shang Yan Huan's indifferent face.

Well, it's hard to be stubborn, right? I'm too used to her these days, and her tail is going to stick to the sky!
Baoxia quickly brought a thin stick, this kind of thin stick is specially made, it hurts terribly when beaten on the body, but it won't break the skin.

Aunt Qing took the thin stick from Bao Xia's hand, and slapped it directly on Yan Huan's back, with a sharp sound that cut through the air, and slapped her on her body, she couldn't help crying out in pain because of the pain.

It was as if that piece of skin was torn open, the burning pain, and it was like countless ants gnawing on the torn wound, she broke out in a cold sweat from the pain!
Before she could slow down, the second stick came off immediately!


Yan Huan bit her lower lip tightly, not letting herself cry out in pain to show weakness!

Okay, don't make a sound, pretend to be chaste and strong, and be stubborn with me, right?
The more Yan Huan gritted his teeth and remained silent, the more Aunt Qing felt suffocated, wishing to beat her to death with a stick!


Aunt Qing rolled up her sleeves and pulled harder and harder. The thin stick was quickly drawn on Yan Huan's body without any mercy or distress. Her arms, shoulders, and back seemed to be on fire. The flames were blazing, her skin was burned and bitten. Her mind was a little blurred due to the pain, her mouth smelled of blood, her lower lip had been bitten off long ago, she still bit her lip tightly, not begging for mercy, not crying out in pain.

The muffled sound of being beaten with a thin stick, Shen Ren's terror, Bao Xia saw his scalp numb, and had to admire Yan Huan for not begging for mercy.

Yan Huan, who was in pain and dazed, let alone begging for mercy, even if she wanted to speak now, she had no energy left.

Let's fight, Aunt Qing relieved her anger and let Lanchun out, and she will take Lanchun away from now on.

 [My heart hurts, I cry out with a loud cry...]

  [Bodhidharma, come and kick her against the wall! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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